Rear Bag Recommendation

Frank B

My rifle does not fit my rear bag. My stock is a Richards BR laminated. The bottom of the butt stock is essentially flat and parallel with the forearm. It is 1 & 3/8" wide all the way. I am going to have to order a new bag and sure would like to get it right the first time. I think a two or three stitch to get the right spacing between the ears. . Does anyone out there shoot a stock like this? What bag do I need? Later! Frank
You are going to have to do a little extra leg work to get a perfect fit with your stock.
I would call Edgewood and get what he calls a Shehane bag that is 0.750 wide between the ears.You then use an X-acto blade and remove the stitching that holds the ears to the bag.Once you have the ears off take a pair of good quality scissors and make a split between those ears.You are seperating the two ears only and not affecting anything else.A saddle shop or leather jacket shop can then sew those ears onto a thick piece of leather at the spacing you want.You now have the two ears sewed to a thick piece of leather.
To re-attach them simply glue the thick piece of leather back onto the bag.My father and I both use this set-up and the total alteration cost was about $35
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Call Protektor, order the Doctor bag, and specify the height and width of the ears you need. Easy as that. They'll even fill it with heavy sand for you.