Reaming a resizeing die



How do You Guys go about setting up & indicating a Die blank for reaming with a full length sizeing reamer?
Am I missing something?? Put it in a 4-jaw, indicate the pilot hole, and go at it.
It's a threaded die. Thinking I'll just make a small jig like MilGunsmith
suggests and give that a try. Thanks to all for the input.
Think I'd do it -- in fact, I do "do it" -- the way Cheechako mentions. Except use an adjust-true rather than a 4-jaw.
I have an Adjust Tru "Hardinge-Sjogren" 3J collet chuck. Grabing the die with the collet gives near 100% contact all the way around. This way I can grab the Dies threads with the Hardinge 7/8" 3J collet without worry of damage to the threads, then adjust the chuck to center the pilot hole. This chuck tightens with a large hand wheel. Just put the Lathe in really low gear and the chuck won't roll as you tighten or loosen the handwheel.

Another way would be with Warner-Swasey Collet Chuck Jaws on an Adjust Tru Chuck.

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TURN AND THREAD a short pc of stock..thread the die body in, and bore/ream based on the threads being true, not the center hole in the blank.

mike in co
Since I aint got one of those new bendy chucks I use a ring of brazing rod and wedges in my 4-jaw. Slow but at least the hole's straight once it's set up.

The only things I chuck "straight" into a chuck is drill bits or stuff with no existing bores or surfaces.

TURN AND THREAD a short pc of stock..thread the die body in, and bore/ream based on the threads being true, not the center hole in the blank.

mike in co

Yeahhh this types really good but in real life, like HUHHH???

And then how do you do the recess for the button?

The only things I chuck "straight" into a chuck is drill bits or stuff with no existing bores or surfaces.

Think I know what you mean, but ... can you give me an example of something that might go in a chuck, but doesn't have an "existing surface"?

On a more serious note, and while I don't do it, how about using a 3-jaw with soft jaws & a truing cut? The reamer is gong to follow the hole. And with a die, that hole's likely going to be straight...
i don't know al, i was looking simply at getting the threaded blank in the lathe straight and square, so when in the press it was the same......
i'm never done a die blank....
he did not say button or bushing.....
why do a custom die and use a button ??
mike in co
Yeahhh this types really good but in real life, like HUHHH???

And then how do you do the recess for the button?

I have a die reamer that I spec'ed to Pacific Tool. I now bore the dies for bushings. I may want to vary neck tension. Remember, your bushing needs a little side and vertical clearance. Remember also the bushing will rest against the threaded bushing retainer and not the die.
Think I know what you mean, but ... can you give me an example of something that might go in a chuck, but doesn't have an "existing surface"?

On a more serious note, and while I don't do it, how about using a 3-jaw with soft jaws & a truing cut? The reamer is gong to follow the hole. And with a die, that hole's likely going to be straight...

Small animals, young children and things made of jello need to be molded and prodded to provide gripping surface.......

What I MEANT to say was critical surfaces, brainfart.

As far as boring, I guess if one bored a chuck to a certain diameter and dedicated it to die-work....... but then you'd need a lathe for it.....and never chuck short work into it.....and then....

nope, not me.

i don't know al, i was looking simply at getting the threaded blank in the lathe straight and square, so when in the press it was the same......
i'm never done a die blank....
he did not say button or bushing.....
why do a custom die and use a button ??
mike in co

mike I don't understand your question.

maybe i misunderstood you...who knows.
my question is why set up a custom fl sizing die and use a pull thru button for neck sizing( i thought that was what you were saying)
if going through the process of a die blank to custom sizing die, why not set it up for neck bushings vs a pull thru button....
did we miss read each other ?
mike in co
Ohh, I was calling a sizing bushing (ala Wilson/Redding) a 'button,' I prefer them to float.

I didn't even think of a pull-thru button, my bad.

I WAS NOT referring to any sort of inside-the-neck device.
