Reading the wind


Dennis Munn

Question, Are any books advaible on reading the wind for 22 rifles? All I find are for large calibers. I shoot ARA targets and have yet to find any information on this problem
The wind blows the same for all rifles. The rimfire bullet because of velocity and weight move a little more.
Practice shooting in the wind

Do more practice shooting in the wind. Its always fun to practice shooting on calm days, but how many matches per year are shot in calm conditions. Pick some windy days to practice and see how the wind moves the bullet under different conditions.
Rather than read the wind

Read the sighter shot. Simplifies the matter significantly.

I have a good sighter rifle
But when I move to the target
it always seems to lose its memory
do you think it might be developing alzheimer's
Im:confused: it is not very old
Read the sighter shot. Simplifies the matter significantly.

Not here in New England, the wind changes too fast. Sighters are more for scope and gun checking before you start shooting for score and reading the windflags before each scoring shot is more important I find...

For our conditions I think cliffkeesee's comment is right on target...

Here is a thread that should interest you about reading the wind:
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