Re-thinking "Flip flop".

Dave B

New member
It seems to me that both candidates occassionally say something stupid and then after relecting on it, change their mind. Why does that seem to be a problem? There should not be anything wrong with admitting a mistake.
Now a bald faced lie to several different groups, that just seems to be the wayu of most politicians.
I don't mind an occasional "I have seen the Light"............... but to talk to one group of people and to say one thing and have the other get mad and then you change your mind like most do, I cannot stand. That is simply pandering to get votes. The only problem is that both end up mad at you but one hates you because it looks like you lied to them. I think it is better to have someone disagree with you than to outright lie to them to get their votes.

I want to be able to trust someone when I vote for them. If you check out their voting records in Congress, I can't stand either of the ones running for the two parties. I want a man to stand on his convictions and tell me what he believes and then back it up with the way he votes. The only problem in this day and age is that is hard to come by for some people, especially McCain and Obama.

This is why I hate flipfloppers. I can tolerate someone that has a difference of opinion, but I cannot tolerate a flat out liar like those two are.:rolleyes:
There should not be anything wrong with admitting a mistake.

I agree. Nor should there be anything wrong with changing a position if there is a rational explanation for the change. We cannot hold all candidates to their original positions if things change. It would be silly to do so.

False statements are entirely different. The problem comes when a candidate claims he did not say something when he knows he did. This is untruthful and causes voters to mistrust him and to wonder what else he distorts.

McCain knew he said he didn't know much about the economy but denied saying it--after Tim Russert proved he did. That is flat out being untruthful.
It is quite OK for my candidate, when he realizes that he has said something in the heat of a debate that doesn't sound quite right to admit that he misspoke, and correct himself. We should realize that everyone makes mistakes and of course forgive him.

When your man tries to weasel out of a screw up he is just flip flopping and that is not the same at all.:)

Concho Bill
Re-thinking my post

After reading the comments posted by my peers I have reconsidered. A change of heart and a flip have nothing in common.