Re#22 or IMR 7828


New member
Shooting a 22-250AI 42.5grs of Re#22 produces about 3350 AVG pushing 80 gr Bergers 42.5grs of IMR7828 AVG 3325 same bullet. Both about the same accuracy. So which powder do I want to use ? A grain more with either powder and the Bolt locks up? 26" 5R 8"twist BBL.
Given the current primer/powder situation I would recommend using whichever you can get your hands on.
.22-250 ai

Worker -

Howdy !

If you have both powders available, I'd suggest the RL-22.
Probably will render higher vel of the two.
Perhaps even better..... some AA3100 IF you got it.

My similar-sized .224" calibre wildcat would produce " bolt effort " upon openeing with a simple .1g r increase... once the charge was very clsoe to max ( with AA3100 ). That last full 1gr you want to try increasing in only .1gr increments.

A 6mm wildcat design I shoot was doing just fine while I was developing loads with RL-22 and Berger 88s. Towards the max, I went up .4gr instead of just .1gr; and the pressure " came on "' RIGHT NOW ! Backed off a simple
.1gr , pressure was fine; and stayed fine with subsequent load use.
( My gun, my widlcat, my loads ). Still for me... when RL-22 has had has had enough.

Back to the AA3100:
My .224" calibre wildcat put 3,500 on 75 "A"-Max. I switched from
FED LR Magnum Match to FED LR Match and groups shrank remarkably !
Load vel went to 3,420; but... it was worth it for the grouping capability.
I shot live grounghog, and some target shoots ( " groundhog & egg " ).

My point:
I suggest you wring-out the primers; IF you have various primers available to try.

Best of luck in your endeavors !

Re#22 is the best so far.

I did some more testing and Re#22 produced the smallest ED Avg MV is 3350 for 80 gr Berger VLD. MV with IMR 7828 was all over the place with serious spikes. Thinking of using it for plant fertilizer . Sp AA 3100 is good also? I'm fearful if I do much more experimenting I'll burn up my BBL. Thanks for your thoughts.