RCBS Customer Service


Gary O

A while back I got back into reloading and was able to stumble across a buttload of reloading equiptment at an estate-type sale for very little money. Most of the stuff I kept for my personal use was RCBS and Redding. (I was able to sell the rest at a tidy profit). Anyway, as I began to use the equiptment it turned out I needed a handful of small parts that had become worn out or lost by the previous owner. The guys at RCBS Customer Service walked me thru the ordering process and sent me the parts I needed within 3 days. No charge for parts and no charge for postage. Can't do better than that...
It is not possible to top RCBS's customer service. Once I bought an old RCBS JR press. All that was salvageable were the ram the frame, and the main linkage pin. They sent the rest to me for free...no charge at all. There will always be some green in my reloading gear. Did you know that they are now making sizing bushings, and bushing dies? Has anyone tried them?
They are unbelievable, it's gotten to where I don't dare ask them! I picked up a broken press at a flea market in Prescott Arizona, I wrote and TOLD THEM THAT and they sent me the parts free. This is one of several instances with me, I hate to use "free" because I'm afraid it'll get abused but Good Grief Charlie Brown, their service is unbelievable. And their stuff is good.

Thank you Boyd! :) I didn't know. I will go try their bushing setups.

Here here..!

"Thank you Boyd! I didn't know. I will go try their bushing setups.

al "

I too will look into these dies... I believe that too Redding will >>go beyond "service"<< like RCBS...

God bless'em...! Just two AMERICAN companies that cares for their customers..! They will be rewarded.

Buy American at every chance ya get all Americans,
Boyd, I have both 6 BR and 22BR full length bushing dies and they work great, and 220 Swift is on its way to me..BTW the Wilson bushings work in the RCBS dies. I had a minor problem with the 6 BR, a little rough place on the inside of the die, called them and they told me to send it back and they would fix it, postage paid both ways, or, with their instructions, I could do it myself. I chose the latter, cleaned up nicely. Good procuct. great people, good service, can't beat that combo...