


Rba ?

I was at the RBA unlimited Nationals and it sounds like there might be a very small if any RBA next year.......

Seems they have lost a few clubs already and are losing more this season .....Anyone know ?

Jeff Miller great job on your 6 gun win
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How come?

Seems like attendance is down ,only 15 at the nationals Sunday . A few clubs are switching to IR next year as well.....I wold guess a lack of promotion.I have been a member for 2 years but don't even know where and if it will be shot around here next year.
Attrition and Turnover

RBA is being impacted by the same things that all the associations are feeling.
Depending on where you are in the country, it just might be more accelerated.

The following data was taken from the RBA scoring page. It’s just raw numbers.
Nothing more.

2011 ..... 15........... 144 .......... 22 .......... 15
2010 ..... 18 .......... 208 .......... 25 .......... 28
2009 ..... 20 .......... 261 .......... 32 .......... 37 *Combo Nats
2008 ..... 23 .......... 247 .......... 32 .......... 32 *Combo Nats
2007 ..... 24 .......... 286 .......... 39 .......... 41 *Combo Nats
2006 ..... 32 .......... 407 .......... 35 .......... 49

Definitely a decline over the past 6 years.
I’m sure many aren’t shooting anymore.
But I expect a lot have switched to other disciplines or associations.

I think what Jim is alluding to is based on his own observations and discussions at several ranges/matches here on the right coast.
Nobody’s announcing anything, but there's a lot of chatting going on at matches these days.
I've pretty much been quizzed at every match I've been to over the past month or so.

Shoot Willie, look in your own back yard. Might have been more ARA than
RBA shot this year. Definitely more ARA than any 3 gun stuff for sure.

And now rumors of a possible new association.
Whatcha gonna do. whatcha gonna do.
Jeff ,I shoot ARA because of the convenience of 4 ranges shooting inless than 1.5 hours from the house, the 3 gun won`t fly in this area ,some have tried it and more than 50% will leave ,not to say the die hards want more rules and 3 guns . Newbies are not going to get in and play,it is a Unlimited game ,less rules, bring it and shoot it , 700 shooters in ARA this year and if you don`t support each others matches they all will die ,there is about 25 of us that shoot at these 4 ranges and we have about 15 +or so at each match,and no one dominates it . Hope that you,Jeff,Jody &Craig keep it going ,times is tough and everybody is now feeling the Obama Change.
3 gun really thrives up in the mountain region, take kettlefoot for instance how did it fair this year in ARA as compared to last year with IR 5050.The guys who shoot IR went to the other ranges this year and had a banner year shooting 3 gun, going by the results records from kettlefoot the unlimited sporter was a bust the plain no rules ARA was feeble at best.I think it has mostly to do with the particular crowds, but from the chatter about RBA most of the rangemasters think the fees are out of hand, it is tough to pay these fees and have 5 people show up to shoot.I like RBA but what needs to happen is the guys who have a problem(on both sides) need to swallow their prides and bring all the membership back to ONE organization, just my opinion.
Jeff ,I shoot ARA because of the convenience of 4 ranges shooting inless than 1.5 hours from the house, the 3 gun won`t fly in this area ,some have tried it and more than 50% will leave ,not to say the die hards want more rules and 3 guns . Newbies are not going to get in and play,it is a Unlimited game ,less rules, bring it and shoot it , 700 shooters in ARA this year and if you don`t support each others matches they all will die ,there is about 25 of us that shoot at these 4 ranges and we have about 15 +or so at each match,and no one dominates it . Hope that you,Jeff,Jody &Craig keep it going ,times is tough and everybody is now feeling the Obama Change.

I hear ya buddy. All valid points. Convenience and proximity are key these days.
Durham is 40 minutes from me. All the other RBA ranges around here are 1.5 hours+ away.
But, I have 3 IR5050 ranges inside that 1.5 hour commute.
take kettlefoot for instance how did it fair this year in ARA as compared to last year with IR 5050.The guys who shoot IR went to the other ranges this year and had a banner year shooting 3 gun, going by the results records from kettlefoot the unlimited sporter was a bust the plain no rules ARA was feeble at best ,just my opinion.
Mike the truth meter hit a hard false,The Largest attended out door match in 2010 in ARA was held @ Kettlefoot with 42 shooters, What 50/50 match beat that in 2010,Crawfish?In 2011 the Va State ARA tournament was held at Kettlefoot with 48 shooters,50/50 UL nationals held @ fairchance with 17, is there a 50/50 shoot any where that beats that attendence,feeble at best I guess. You can take any 2 and add them together and won`t get 48, please do the math, ARA Nationals is another story !Ain`t it Awesome!
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In 2010 IR 50/50 Nationals at Kettlefoot there were almost 70 shooters.......40 something at the Mid Atlantic match.
Blue fin -- Nationals ? The ARA nationals were not held @ Kettlefoot ,These were Tournaments Lets compare apples to apples - ARA 2010 nationals 120, ARA 2011 nationals 111 but that is our nationals not a ARA State tournament like Kettlefoot held in 2010 & 2011 Dah! Does 50/50 have state Tournaments?
Sure do but wasn't the VA state match after the PSL match ? Maybe half to a third of the shooters stayed ?

Bill if you don't like the IR 50/50 why do you care where they shoot and how many attend ?

BTW Dan and Bill both have good leagues if ARA was here I wold shoot it also
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I don`t care,but the ARA at Kettlefoot was not too shabby compared to any other venue shooting any other discipline other than the ARA Sporter which is in first year of existance; was not doing anything but giving out real time numbers which was not as lethargic as a previous post made them out to be, I need not say no more!
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Mike the truth meter hit a hard false,The Largest attended out door match in 2010 in ARA was held @ Kettlefoot with 42 shooters, What 50/50 match beat that in 2010,Crawfish?In 2011 the Va State ARA tournament was held at Kettlefoot with 48 shooters,50/50 UL nationals held @ fairchance with 17, is there a 50/50 shoot any where that beats that attendence,feeble at best I guess. You can take any 2 and add them together and won`t get 48, please do the math, ARA Nationals is another story !Ain`t it Awesome!

I was talking about just regular matches, not nationals or state matches, lets compare apples to apples.
I don`t care,but the ARA at Kettlefoot was not too shabby compared to any other venue shooting any other discipline other than the ARA Sporter which is in first year of existance; was not doing anything but giving out real time numbers which was not as lethargic as a previous post made them out to be, I need not say no more!

Ok Slicky lets give out the real numbers,
Kettlefoot club matches
Now lets look at the range where the normal kettlefoot 50-50 guys shot
unaka rd range
tenn st tournament

Now maybe everyone else can see who wasnt telling the truth.
P.S. the 5050 nats at fairchance had 49 shooters that beats your 48 doesnt it?So there ya go.Maybe you need to stay over at the other site pestering Mr C for his falcon but to tell the truth you arent any better at that.
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