RBA program


New member
I need help finding the RBA scoring program that will work without being connected to the net. The RBA program works fine as long as I am connected to the net but we do not have WAN at the range. So, what do I need to make it stand alone?
I dont shot RBA so I am not sure what kind of scoring programs are out there, but here is one in Excel format, no internet required. Clicky Clicky

Hope that helps,
i used that program last match ir5050

or rba whichever you click on at the top of the main page
i loaded it on a thumb drive and ran it off the thumb drive
and saved the scores to the thumb drive just in case the
computer acted up ( i was using someone else's), came home
plugged the thumb drive into my computer and sent the scores
to wilbur he had them up the next morning, program works great
i wasn't on line at the range the computer doesn't have a modem.
The program is not made to run off the internet. You need to download it and save it on your computer hard drive ("My Documents" folder). You can then run the program from there. You could also put it on a thumb drive like Tom does. The only time you need an internet connection is when you are ready to send the 'Match Results' email.
If you need some help just give me a call and I will walk you through it.

be sure you "Enable Macros" when you first open the program:confused:....Bill
Version of Excel

The scoring program, will only work with some of the newer versions of Excel. I recommend Excel 2003.
All my Scoring Programs work with Excel 2000, Excel 2003 & Excel 2007.

If anyone is interested in a Plug In for the IR50 or RBA Scoring program that will print an award for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd places send me an email or give me a call.
Below is a Sample of what the award looks like.

View attachment 5654
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All my Scoring Programs work with Excel 2000, Excel 2003 & Excel 2007.

If anyone is interested in a Plug In for the IR50 or RBA Scoring program that will print an award for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd places send me an email or give me a call.
Below is a Sample of what the award looks like.

View attachment 5654

Doug, first would like to say thank you very much for all you have done on these score programs for all the different groups. We use your ARA program each match and it is a breeze to use and makes everything move quickly.

I noticed the award plug in on your website last night and you mentioned it today and I was wondering if you were possibly thinking of incorporating this into the ARA program for First through Third and High Target for the day?

The ARA and IBS scoring programs are written around a different model (Simple).
I could do a plug in for the aggs but individual targets could be a problem.
Send me an email and I will try to get you a test sample to play with.
Doug when I try to use the program with my version of excel the command buttons do not work. When I hit any button I get a window containing code instead of navigating through the program. Is there a setting off or one that needs to be changed on my excel to allow the use of the command buttons?

Everyone's computer's security settings are different but in general you have to tell Excel to enable 'Macros'. For example with Excel 2003 you click on the Tools menu at the top and select Macro and Security...
This will bring up a window where you select your security level.
Put a Check next to Medium.
Then when you open my Scoring Program it should ask you whether you want to enable macros.
Select Enable and now the Buttons and program should work. If you are still having trouble give me a call or email me and I will walk you through it.