RBA Combo National (RR Barn)


B. Harvey

Usually we have a 3-gun National in Jan and an Unlimited National in March.

Is the Combo National going to serve as both, or is there still going to be an Unlimited National?
RBA Combo Indoor National

It will be a combo match, yards on Sat. Jan, 9 2010 and meters on Sun. Jan 10, 2010 . We are trying to save some money for the shooters by having a combo this year. Only one weekend to travel and 2 motel nights.
I believe the plan is for it to serve as both.

However, there was discussion a week ago Sunday at the last SOTY match to consider changing it to the typical 3 gun and running the Unlimited separately.

The conversation centered around 3 targets or 5 targets per day and speculation around how many shooters may show up and how many relays it ended up being.

I'd encourage everyone to contact Craig, Jeff, or Elizabeth if you have an opinion.

The Match Directors have not voted to combine the Indoor Nationals.
Bob Collins
I called Jeff and left a message. While waiting I figured I'd put a post out to see if anyone already knew any details.
I can quickly name 4 guys that will not be there if it is a 5 target match each day. The finish on Sunday is too late to make it home. At this late date, they may not want to revise plans.

My vote is for a combo.

It is on the schedule as National 3 Gun Indoor and Combo as the type of event. I'm pretty sure we decided to leave it as a Combo when we discussed it at the last SOTY match.
The ARA at the "Barn" in Dec was 5 targets and 5 relays on Sat. which made for a 12 hour match!!!!! That is a real chore that I don't intend to repeat.

Al Kunard
Head count

Let's get a head count on who/how many plan to attend. It may have an effect on which way we want to go.

I plan on being there. Anyone else?
Even though I had NO plans to go back to that dreaded barn, I have not yet tried my new barrel there, and like a cat, am curious.

I will be there.
Head Count

A head count would be a good idea, but there will be guys that show up that dont post and guys that post and dont show up.

There were only 41 shooters at the 3 gun Nats and high 40's for the Unlimited Indoor nats this year 09. I doubt there will be more than three relays.

I will be there regardless but prefer the combo.


I agree, if there are only two or three relays I'm for the combo too.

Whatever we do, it needs to be decided soon!!!

I'm sure no one wants to make a looong drive and not know what they are driving to!
I'm planning to be there for at least Saturday.
I'd prefer a 3-Gun match, especially if there will be more than 3 relays. If it's a combo with 5 relays I'll probably pass.

Unless Craig, Jeff, or Elizabeth say any different before Jan 9th it is a Combo. Kent, The cool thing about a Combo is that a participant can shoot either 3 Gun or Unlimited or both matches. There will be two Indoor National championships in one match. Sporter, 10.5, Unl1 is the 3 gun National and Unl1, Unl2, and Unl3 will be the Unlimited National. Take your pick.

I personally would like to see a full house. I doubt there will be more than 50 or more than 3 relays, but I would like to see as much support for the RBA as possible.

I think that most rimfire benchrest shooters do not know that the RBA pays back to it members. Once you become an RBA member you are eliglble for the RBA Standings. Your best 10 aggs of either 3 Gun or Unlimited are entered. Based on income received to the RBA in the shooting season, cash and prizes are awarded in each column and the Indoor Nationals is the time for awards. I remember this past year that the top 5 in each column received $$$ and the rest picked items off the table until they were gone. BR items such as a Stith stock, Edgewood rear bags, Ivy Rods, Jewell Triggers, scope rings and much more were picked from at the '09 Nationals. I dont know how much or what type of items will be there this year but I'm sure they will be great. It is a bonus that the RBA pays back.

Another cool feature if your competing for the standings is that the website is updated regularly and the standings are posted on the RBA website. The only stipulations I know of is that the range must be sanctioned, you must be a member, and a schedule must be turned in 30 days prior to the first match. Pretty simple.
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Good post Jody. I will be there, just hope i remember how to pull the trigger.

I'm planning to be there.

I also echo Jody's comment about it being 2 matches in one. A person can choose to shoot a 3-gun match and just shoot the first 3 targets each day, or choose to compete in the unlimited as well by shooting the two additional targets.
Choice is good....right?

I would also add, in past years the Unlimited Nationals have been held the first weekend in March.
The 2009 PSL was the first weekend in February. For 2010, the PSL will be the last weekend in February.
Looking at the RBA website, there were 57 shooters at the Unlimiteds in '07 and '08, but only 25 for '09.
Was this due to the PSL?? Maybe, maybe not, but what do you think back to back weekends will do in 2010?

I applaud the decision to combine events and promote competition.
RBA Indoor Nationals

Jeff , has decided to try an indoor combo for the nationals. It is being held at his barn so he can call the game as any MD can at his facility. (Refer to my first post for reasons.) Starting at 9 am on Sat and at 8 am on Sun, should be finished by 2:30 both days because we do not expect over 2 relays which would be 42 shooters. I believe if we have to go to 3 relays, Jeff will back up to either a 3 gun or Unlimited, probably Unl. as we want to have a Sporter National in late Mar or early April and people would be expecting to shoot sporter as an add-on at that time. The main reason for the Jan indoor is to give away prizes for the year which will happen Sat after the last target. If you want to shoot only 3 gun or only Unl that option as always will be available . In other words , we are getting together to shoot , eat and give away some prizes, so come on down if you want to and enjoy it with us. We are trying to hold down the cost of shooting as much as possible. It is something we need to look at in the near future.
The decision needs to be made, is it a 3-gun, combo, or unlimited. It has to be one way or the other so people can plan.


I only care to shoot unlimited, but if it changes and turns into a 3-gun, I will be screwed, and will have wasted time and money to come.

So, a decision needs to be made and before next Friday. I doubt anyone would like for it to be said it is going to be a combo, and then change next Saturday.

We having enough wishy washy crap in Washington.

Make a decision and let it be.