Raton Results...Saturday


Bryan Armatys
It was cold and wet this morning. 52 degrees, overcast, drizzel, but not excessively windy. About noon, the sun came out and temps ended up in the lower 70's, but the mirage was a bit nasty, to say the least.
HV 100:
1 Norm Wills .2476
2 Greg Smith .2569
3 Jim Erickson .2664
4 Mike Turner .2678
5 Lew McClain .2698
UL 100:
1 Ed Adams .2370
2 Randy Burgess .2578
3 Leon Gass .2798
4 Bob Brackney .2996
5 Todd Tyler .3246
HV 200:
1 Jim Erickson .3012
2 Bob Dodd .3149
3 Bryan Armatys .3166
4 Lew McClain .3358
5 Norm Wills .3485
UN 200:
1 Ed Adams .2557
2 Todd Tyler .3207
3 Leon Gass .3440
4 Lowell Frei .3466
5 Sam Arnett .3604
HV Grand:
1 Jim Erickson .2838
2 Norm Wills .2980
3 Bryan Armatys .2982
4 Lew McClain .3028
5 Bob Dodd .3320
UL Grand:
1 Ed Adams .2464
2 Leon Gass .3119
3 Todd Tyler .3226
4 Bob Brackney .3447
5 Randy Burgess .3703
thanks for the report...

Bryan, looks like you shot well today, congrats. Are you shooting your Beggs? Keep it going tomorrow. How's the attendance? -- Scott

I was shooting the 6mmBeggs .269 neck and pre-weighed loads. Didn't change the loads or the tuner yesterday or today and the rifle gave me no surprizes....all mistakes were my own. This thing seems to be locked in!
Being an Unlimited match, attendance was down........maybe 40 shooters.
not bad....

I was shooting the 6mmBeggs .269 neck and pre-weighed loads. Didn't change the loads or the tuner yesterday or today and the rifle gave me no surprizes....all mistakes were my own. This thing seems to be locked in!
Being an Unlimited match, attendance was down........maybe 40 shooters.

40 doesn't sound bad for non-BW and Rattlesnake matches. Good deal. If Bob Dodd is retiring this might be his last match, I wish him well too. If our old buddy Larry Baggett is there, tell him to recalibrate his brain for something under 50mph winds for tomorrow.

Hey, keep it up and you'll have to change that "BANG!! Oops." to "BANG!! Yeah!"
Hey Woody

Now that you mention Larry, maybe someone messed with the dials on his rail, but he crossfired today and that took him out. At least he didn't lock his keys in the Tahoe this time.:eek:
By the way, Benchrest isn't rocket science, but where were you today?
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