Ranges in Florida (Orlando area)



I will be in FL. for the next two weeks and would like to go shoot while there. Does anyone know of places in the Orlando area, or within an hour or so, to shoot? I will be bringing my .270 and .22lr.

Thanks in advance,
tantor, check IBS website for lakeland rifle & pistol club in lakeland fla, nice range to go 100 yards on, I shot a IBS match there last year, great group of guys too!!!

Range in Orlando area

There is a range open to the plubic in Titusville (State road 46), Call 1-321-268-1312 and let it ring to the answering service, you can hear the range hours and what ranges will be open. Also go to www.titusvillegun.com. you will need ear and eye protection and your own targets. $10 from 09:00 to 12:00.

fla boy
We had a couple of guys come to the NC and Ga state match's that were from Titisville, they were really nice guys and shot well too. I think they have a few club match's somewhere around titisville, would prob be fun to checkout