Ever get to the range and find there were none, or they were all taken. Since we all hall the kitchen sink to the range, one more piece of equipment won't matter. Saw one of these at a shoot and decided to make one myself. If you don't have a 10in. table saw, or access to one, Lowes or Home Depot will cut the wood, ( nominal charge,( any port in a storm )). I used 3/4 in. plywood, ( S1S ) surfaced one side; no giant knots. Mine measures 48 wide by 30 deep. More than enough room for all my range equipment. I just used dry wall screws, and never got around to edging it, never saw the need to. The legs were the hard part, locating them, that is. It was either Ace or True Value. Once the wood was cut, assembly was ,Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am. Posted this in case anybody might be interested, Ron