Range box



Could a range box like this, or similar, still be bought somewhere? If so, where?

That looks like a standard Kennedy machinist's box. Check ebay for a used one but they can still be bought new, as far as I know. They can be pricey for a range box that doesn't see daily commercial use. They are the industry standard.
I used one for 5 years, holds lots of stuff! Finally realized that a lot of the stuff wasn't necessary, so I converted to a 3 drawer craftsman tool chest, that holds everything needed to reload at a match. I now use the Kennedy to hold tools for my lathe.
An rather expansive thoracic surgeon that I knew, who shot benchrest, and always had to have something that was bigger and better, had the largest Kennedy machinists box that I have ever seen used for that purpose on his loading table, behind the benches at Visalia. I had come by on a Sunday, to see the end of the day's shooting. Back then I was in what I thought in decent shape, and worked with my hands and back. Instead of driving his Blazer down to the same level, in front of the benches, (The firing line is well below the parking lot at Visalia, perhaps six feet or so, with stairs.) He suckered me into carrying it up for him. Worried that holding that much weight in front of me might strain my back, I hoisted it onto my shoulder and barely made it up the stairs and across the parking lot without staggering, where I set it down on his tailgate. After that, I made a mental note not to get suckered that way again, and to remind myself that toolboxes that are going to be carried a lot, need to top out at under 40 pounds. I mention this to encourage you to come up with the total weight of all of what will go into your box add the weight of the box to that, and consider if you really want to be handling that much weight every time that you go to the range and load. Drawers are neat, but I manage without them quite well, and my loading box goes to the range with me every time.
Who makes this reloading box?

Gregg Schnur (Otto) of Syracuse NY designed and manufactured this reloading box. Yes, it is a great reloader's box. Gregg is a very invovative designer. Gregg stopped making them about 5 to 6 years ago.

Everybody has different thoughts...

I had several along the way. I know this ain't going sound right but if you can kill that need to look good you could go this way and be as well off as you could be.

I ended up with a blue cooler that doubled as a stool. Tossed all my stuff in the cooler (yes, just tossed it), put the cooler in the car, loaded my table and was ready to go. That worked pretty darn good but I didn't have the stuff to loan and eventually had to go borrow some things to fix my rifle...but hey...wasn't any trouble at all since everybody else hauled all that stuff around just waiting on somebody like me that needed it. I unloaded a table and a cooler - that's all. Would have to dig in the cooler to find an itty bitty item but that paid back when the match was over and we packed up.

Find or make a level spot for the table, open the cooler and set up, close the cooler and use it for a stool. You look kinda stupid because you don't have that big box on the table as everybody else does but you'll get over that the first time you set it up....and moreover....load up to go home. Oh, forgot, I had a Charlie Hood cleaning cradle that I had to unload.

Thought I'd add this but I know full well that NOBODY is going to do this. In fact, I don't even expect a response. Additionally, if you believe what your loading table looks like has anything to do with how you place then you need to rethink that a bit.
To fall in...

The Kennedy box is a good one - look on eBay for one that's not bent and has the drawer liners.
I had several along the way. I know this ain't going sound right but if you can kill that need to look good you could go this way and be as well off as you could be.

I ended up with a blue cooler that doubled as a stool. Tossed all my stuff in the cooler (yes, just tossed it), put the cooler in the car, loaded my table and was ready to go. That worked pretty darn good but I didn't have the stuff to loan and eventually had to go borrow some things to fix my rifle...but hey...wasn't any trouble at all since everybody else hauled all that stuff around just waiting on somebody like me that needed it. I unloaded a table and a cooler - that's all. Would have to dig in the cooler to find an itty bitty item but that paid back when the match was over and we packed up.

Find or make a level spot for the table, open the cooler and set up, close the cooler and use it for a stool. You look kinda stupid because you don't have that big box on the table as everybody else does but you'll get over that the first time you set it up....and moreover....load up to go home. Oh, forgot, I had a Charlie Hood cleaning cradle that I had to unload.

Thought I'd add this but I know full well that NOBODY is going to do this. In fact, I don't even expect a response. Additionally, if you believe what your loading table looks like has anything to do with how you place then you need to rethink that a bit.

Honest answer, always appreciated.

To be honest myself, I am scaling down when going into a box like this meaning I might also end up in a cooler some time; 5-10 years down the road. It's a process, I admit, but at least I have discovered I need less, or at least I can leave a lot in the car just I'm case.... for now...

Two miserable seasons has brought me back to basic when it comes to tools, gadgets, tactic, theory and rifle handling. So far, so good!

This box is quite a bit cheaper from Grizzly's website

Gregg Schnur (Otto) of Syracuse NY designed and manufactured this reloading box. Yes, it is a great reloader's box. Gregg is a very invovative designer. Gregg stopped making them about 5 to 6 years ago.


Thanks Bob, I bought one from Bill Krazinski (sp) back in 2005 has to be the best box I've ever come across, not enough room to make it exceedingly heavy and enough room to hold everything I need, it's good as long as I'm driving to a competition but a Rubbermaid toolbox is better if flying......no one's broken mine yet.


Wilbur had a Kennedy tool box. We were @ Longcreek Gun Club, Charlotte NC. I ask Wilbur where I may find a used Kennedy box. He sold his to me for $50.00 and insisted he buy my dinner, w/the money, @ a steak house, on our way back to Tennessee. I still have the box. Here's my question::: Do you shooters think Wilbur may owe me some kind of rebate, or was deal to me , reasonable????????
I had several along the way. I know this ain't going sound right but if you can kill that need to look good you could go this way and be as well off as you could be.

I ended up with a blue cooler that doubled as a stool. Tossed all my stuff in the cooler (yes, just tossed it), put the cooler in the car, loaded my table and was ready to go. That worked pretty darn good but I didn't have the stuff to loan and eventually had to go borrow some things to fix my rifle...but hey...wasn't any trouble at all since everybody else hauled all that stuff around just waiting on somebody like me that needed it. I unloaded a table and a cooler - that's all. Would have to dig in the cooler to find an itty bitty item but that paid back when the match was over and we packed up.

Find or make a level spot for the table, open the cooler and set up, close the cooler and use it for a stool. You look kinda stupid because you don't have that big box on the table as everybody else does but you'll get over that the first time you set it up....and moreover....load up to go home. Oh, forgot, I had a Charlie Hood cleaning cradle that I had to unload.

Thought I'd add this but I know full well that NOBODY is going to do this. In fact, I don't even expect a response. Additionally, if you believe what your loading table looks like has anything to do with how you place then you need to rethink that a bit.
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Pretty sure you got cheated

Gimme the box back and buy me a hamburger....I'll give you 50 bucks and we'll be back like we were so many years ago. I'll put the box in one of these old broke Cadillacs sitting here and all will be well.
Wilbur's Welcome

Wilbur , you know you're welcome to all I have and I will gladly give it to you. But the hamburger must be split in to three parts, I need 2 parts 'cause I be robust.
Gimme the box back and buy me a hamburger....I'll give you 50 bucks and we'll be back like we were so many years ago. I'll put the box in one of these old broke Cadillacs sitting here and all will be well.

I think Wilbur actually said $150. I handed him $50 and he was too nice to tell I made a mistake. He made the (Mis-steak) . After all that I was too ashamed to ask him for gas money to get to Chattanooga from his house in Spring City.
heck i thought the 50 bucks was a down payment......
If you recall, it was something like....this...

Whatever anybody had was yours for the asking. You might have to give it back but it was yours until you didn't need it. I remember James Messer's hand shook when he handed me that trimmer that he had taken the time to adjust just right for a PPC...for me to trim 30BR cases. He knew that I was gonna goof it up but didn't say a word. I knew I was gonna goof it up as well but seriously needed a trimmer to finish the match. I don't think I even cleaned the rust off the threads before I gave it back.

I trust that it's still that way.
I have a couple of boxes I use for my range loading stuff that I bought used several years ago from a buddy who used to go to auctions and buy tools and other related items . I did mount a block on the side of one box with and put a RCBS Partner press on it to for bullet seating calibers I don't have Wilson dies to seat bullets with and I also added a place to clamp the powder measure as well .I suspect for a benchrest shooter you can get by with only one box instead of two . I have lots of extra equipment that you would not need to have if you were only shooting one or two calibers .some of the contents are;
Arbor press
3 scales , one balance beam , 2 electric
2 powder measures with an extra bottle
Hand primer tool
Bullet puller
Dial caliper
Loading block
Few different Wilson dies
Any specific die sets I add for the job of the day
Powder I need that day and bullets
Couple of funnels
Primer pocket cleaner
Chamfering tool
Lube pad and case lube
A few other odds and ends
That pretty much gets the loading boxes I have another for cleaning supplies

I would think you should be able to find a deal on a used Kennedy or craftsman box somewhere .


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I picked up a used Kennedy like that for $45 at a pawn shop. However, it is heavy even when empty so I now use it in my shop.