Rail Gun Preferences

Get a used one, you will get it a lot faster. Most all rails made today are good. They are fun to shoot too!

UL match @Seymour

if you were ordering a new rail gun, what would you specify and why?

Bill, as you know Seymour has some of the best rail gun enthusists around. GCR UL/HV tournement is this weekend, May 19-20. Most all the culprits will be there and as you know you will get more opinions than maybe you want. I will have 2 rail guns there, of which 1 will be for sale. Please join us. Joe Kubon
It seems to me that given the recent shooting that Gary Ocock has done with his, that a Jay Young rain gun would be at the top of my list. There has also been some interesting work with actions specially built for rails, to make running easier.
Ocock's Young....modified
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It ain't over till the fat gun sings

Bill, It is very important to factor in the weight of your unlimited rifle. The successful formula varies by shooter. Basically the rule loosely translates thus: The gun may be packed in one or two cases. Each case shall weigh enough that the owner can with great difficulty move them from one spot to another. Each box shall not exceed but must be close to the "strain factor" for the owner. This encourages the shooter to manually lift the box and stagger around with it rather then employ a dolly. If in the rare event that a case and gun cannot be made heavy enough then a health hazard must be included in the design of the case. Examples would be wood splinters, sharp metal edges, loose latches and a lid design that easily slams down on fingers. Tim