Looking at an old one-----
from about 1980. Can't comment on later versions.
There are four set screws on the bottom of the assembly:
1) Through the trigger lever or shoe----loosen to allow positioning of the trigger lever or shoe forward or back to suit your needs.
2) The forward screw on the rocker bar-----sear engagement, turn clockwise to reduce sear engagement.
3) The most rearward screw on the rocker bar----overtravel, turn clockwise to reduce overtravel.
4) Just forward of the overtravel screw----spring tension for pull weight, turn clockwise to increase pull weight. As I recall, there's not a lot of adjustment range available.
I don't have the instruction sheet but maybe someone else will post something on how to adjust the unit. IMO, this is a very good trigger.
Good luck.
A. Weldy