Quick info...maybe.....


cook and bottle washer
I'm struggling with an intermittent connection in this cut rate motel but I'll keep going with it until I get this posted. I found a spot in the shower stall that has minimal signal.

Varmint for score was approved at the NBRSA board meeting by a tie breaker vote from the President. If this has already been posted I apologize but loading the whole page for viewing is impossible.

Great news Wilber! :D

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Wilber/ Wilbur

I guess that's Wilbur with a u! My bad, It's been a long day, too much aiming fluid!:D
Danb Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
I give up! I I can't even spell my own name right! :p

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
typical in a 12 ounce cooled aluminum alloy container( typical br product), or low quality glass container in aprox 750 ml size. typically used to improve score/group AFTER shooting.
Mike's description hit the nail on the head. He must be a regular user of "aiming fluid". :D

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
I assume you are in St. Louis. FYI...at the range they have wireless internet. I used it from the campground at the East West Shootout.