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Target orientation: Horizontal. Vertical placement will not be accepted. All targets will be pre mounted. We will have custom target backers that are sized to fit around the targets, this will be to minimize wind deflection. Each match and target will receive brand new target backers. No target backers will be reused. We will have staff that will place and remove all targets. Thus allowing shooters to maximize their time setting up.
Power testing: your rifle will be tested in the shooting configuration. Filled to max with air, for weight and chrono testing. Pellet choice: you may provide the pellet or we can provide one for you. The pellet will be weighed, and shot over the chronograph. The chronograph used will be a Oehler model 35P.
FPE will be determined by using the calculator on either;,
or the Chairgun Application.
All using the standard formula for FPE calculation.
Five shots will be taken. None may exceed the the FPE for that class.
Weights for your rifle will have a 1 ounce leeway, as per World standard.
Winners will be reweighed and power checked. All rifles that have adjustable settings will have tamper evident tape applied. Any evidence of tamper will result in disqualification. Random inspection and random retesting will occur, so please expect this.
If the same rifle is used for a different class than what it was tested for, it must be retested prior to the match. Some people have indicated they would like to reassemble their rifle for the different class matches. Testing can be done at any time, but must have the testing sticker affixed to the rifle prior to the shoot.
Dimensional standards will be adhered to as well. Please see the WRABF standards on their website for details.
It is the responsibility of the shooter to know your rifle's performance. It will be unacceptable to ask for an exception to the above due to the shooters failure to know your equipment.
Thank you for your inquiries.