Question about Crowns?



I was looking and thinking about the methods of crowning. With a flat base bullet the bullet exits the lands and grooves at the same time, correct? With a boattail bullet the bullet actually exits the grooves slightly before it exits the lands, correct? This allows the excape of gases around the periphery of the bullet at each land slightly before the gases escape the ends of the lands. Has anyone ever counterbored a crown to the exact same angle as that of the bevel on the boattail bullet which would allow the simultaneous escape of gases as with a flatbase bullet. I assume it would require a piloted reamer specific to the bullet to be used. Things being as they are I would think this has been thought of or tried in the past. Does anyone know anything about this or any source of further reading? Thoughts anyone?
Yes, I have counter bored several and in different shapes. A flat crown works just as well. It is also easier to do a good crown when it is flat.
Thanks for the reply Butch. I'm sure your machining abilities are much better than mine. I'm just getting started and was thinking about a few things. If you say it didn't work I'll take your advice and run with it and work with what's tried and proven and easier as well. Thanks.