Quality Vise - 5'' or 6'' Mulipurpose roatational Vises. Quality not C--P


Phill Smyth

Gaday All, Australia here, I am in the market for a quality 6''- 150mm or if need be a 5'' - 125mm Multi-Purpose rotational Vise setting up and re organising home workshop to do some gunsmith work. I have a couple of Cast engineers Vises 4'' n 5'' and a number of quality removable trademens carpenters vises that fit a saw stool or mobile/ bench. I am one who like to buy quality once. I have looked at a number of Chinese or Tiwan made and many have of poor chuck alignment, and have thread play. When tightenend up hard, seem to not returen to the same tight square alignment. Even the Yost which I thought was manufactured in the USA. Irwin and the Red Chineseare available in Australia.
Have any of you guys got an - American Forge 3196 - Heavy Duty Multi-Purpose Bench Vise - 6 Inch Jaw Item #: EGLE3416 it looks like Quality and at the price it should be. regards Phill
Well, I'm no help Phill but since my kid busted my last one, I DID order one of these from Amazon, shipped to my door for about 315USD

THANK YOU for that part number, I've been searching for a decent 6" rotator for a year....... I hope this is like the one I had.

I will be able to tell you about this particular vise soon :)

OK, what I got was..... a ChiCom vise........... It's "American Forge and Foundry" made in China by HIT Mfg

On the good side, it's fairly beefy, almost 100lb (45K) on the bad side it's a clunky forging and definitely not American mfgr

On the good side, the shaft is large and thick unlike the 5" Grizzly I recently purchased, bad side, the pipe jaws are cast, painted, a joke.

IMO a comparable American made vise will run over $1000.00USD used...... if you can find one and AFAIK nobody's offering them new.

I've been looking for two years and this seems to be the stoutest option unless you run one down at auction.

Not perty, but stout.

Not smooth, but serviceable.

Not "made in USA" but inexpensive.

