Quality Action Options for a new build


Active member
I have a 2500X action and have been thinking about having another rifle built over the winter months. I am looking for thoughts on an alternative high quality action that is available.

A couple of thoughts:
Turbo - I have a couple of friends ordered one rifle from DiOrio, and did not like it when he received it. Another ordered it very early this year and has not heard anything from them, even after prompting. So, I feel like a Turbo action from them might not happen anytime soon.

Vudoo - I know of only one person shooting a Vudoo action in ARA, so it may not yet be ready for prime time.

Are there any other quality SS actions that I should be considering?


Probably be farther ahead simply buying either of the two good rigs offered both here and RA, would consider either myself.
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Turbo Availability


We ship receivers out to customers whom have orders on a weekly basis, that being said, I am not aware of any order from January 2021 not being shipped. If in fact, the customer you refer to in your statement above has not received their order, I would suggest they contact us.

Best Regards, Anthony DiOrio
Your phone goes direct to message
I have left numerous messages trying to reach you
How does one reach you?
Dan Lutke
I'll just leave this here. Taken from another website.

I won a DiOrio Turbo V3 at the Triple Crown

June 2: 2 weeks

June 15: 1.5 weeks

July 6: Diorio is always that way. Just keep bugging him you'll get it eventually. He tells everyone 2 weeks. Paul

July 7: 1 week

July 20: 1 week, machine broke down

August 4: right away, family emergency

August 23: this week

September 10: will be shipped out September 14

September 15: will be shipped today, will receive tracking this evening

September 16: wasn't sure if sent out if not it will go out today

September 20: Will go out in the next day or two and will send tracking number

I've always considered myself a patient and persistent individual but I've met my match dealing with Anthony DiOrio.

We ship receivers out to customers whom have orders on a weekly basis, that being said, I am not aware of any order from January 2021 not being shipped. If in fact, the customer you refer to in your statement above has not received their order, I would suggest they contact us.

Best Regards, Anthony DiOrio

Tony, thanks for the response, but he has tried to get in touch, and has not gotten a response from you. It's hard to be patient when you give him a date, and then it passes, and he hears no updates from you. People won't have a problem with a delay, as long as they are made aware IN ADVANCE of any additional delays and when you think it will be completed. When you miss the dates you provide, then it starts to reflect on your integrity.

Just my thoughts.

Best regards,
