Put it back Al!

Bill Wynne

Active member
That ain't fair!

What gives you the right to remove your own post about your boys and you fishin'. You have never posted anything that was not connected, in some crazy way, with accuracy shootin'. If I can make the connection anybody can.

Dumb blond jokes and fishin' are manly things and they go hand in hand with shootin'. These are the things that build young outdoors men into great old outdoors men who shoot with great accuracy. It is a daddy kid thing that needs to be.:)

Like it or not, you have become an icon like Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill, Al. You are Al in Washington to many. Being an icon means that once you share a thing like a story it becomes a fact that you cannot take back.:)

You must never loose your sense of humor, even for a millisecond.

Now there! You have no choice at all, Al. Do the right thing.

Don't make me have to tell you again.

Concho Bill

It is funny you write that. Al always stands out on this forum. He is always nice to new guys or non-benchrest shooters who make a post. His humor has made my day on several occasions and when a post gets tense he seems to add a post that brings it back down and reminds us that we are all on the same side.

I started to post this a while back, but of all the guys on this forum I would like to meet Al the most.

Al, you have too big of a fan club to be deleting your threads! Plus, last time I was up your way going for a Steelhead I got skunked so I need to know you are figuring it out for my next trip! :p
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Al, what Bill and Tony said + 1! I don't even know you, but from your postings I get an idea of what you are like, and you would have to be waaaayy fun to be around! Maybe I am putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5, but it seems that perhaps this thread and John Kielly's thread are related. I did not get to read your thread, cause, well, it ain't there. And I always look for your stuff!

If these 2 threads are related, John was able to man up in a big way. Forgive him?

Thanks for being a good guy Al!:)
Take care!
I'm sorry, this seems to have grown to something bigger than it is!!!


I've been running like a head-cut chicken (work!) and just checking in SHORT this last week, nearly incoherent......John noted that my two posts were non-BR and I looked around and :eek: mine were the only offending posts in sight (onsite?)

So I deleted them. Shortsweet.

This is a fine forum and it looked as though everybody but ME was following the rules....

I see now that The Wilbur has seen fit to restore my fissin' post.....

SORRY to all, I'll go now and try catch up.
