Something for you to watch for..
Much of the public hunting land in North Carolina is government land controlled by the National Forest Service, Army Corp of Engineers. We have little or no BLM land in North Carolina. National Parks (including national seashores) and State Parks currently prohibit hunting as a land use and until recently National parks prohibited possession of a firearm.
Much of our public hunting and fishing land is managed by Pittman Roberson Act and Johnston Dindell act monies (federal excise tax monies) used to aquire lands and maintain lands designated for public hunting and fishing. I am sure Texas (Fish and Game) recieve these federal funds.
You and your fellow Texan hunters and fisherman need to watch that these lands acquired and maintained by these federal monies paid by sportsmen arre not turned into non hunting and fishing lands.
We have had areas converted to mountain biking, horseback riding trails, state parks, no hunting areas that were paid for by these restricted federal monies. There is a move in congress to increase the Federal Excise Tax by 500% and use the monies to fight gang activities and pay for anti gun programs not public shooting sports. There is a move by the anti gun folks to attack guns/ammunition in the same mannor as the tobacco and alcholic beverage industry.