PT&G dual Bushing indicating rod

It is my considered opinion that 90% of the product on the market serves no useful function, it is further my opinion that 99% of the buyers in said market buy for reasons I don't understand. The net result is a vast market of buyers and sellers trading money for product just to make each other happy.......... this is OK, irrational but OK :) You convince people to rub extract of aloe vera on their barrels and you're entitled to a share of the market.

Now, with that bait, would someone please explain the alleged function of the double bushed rod?

My guess is that you're supposed to use it like a "Range Rod" jamming it into the bore, centering the bushes on the throat and indicating externally.


I would imagine that the theoretical advantage is that for a range rod to be accurately centered the end of the barrel has to be square to its CL and with a completely burr free and symmetrical bore edge, whereas a rod with two good fitting pilot bushings is working entirely off of the interior of the bore.
Seems to me to be the best approach for dialing in that critical portion of the barrel that verys for some. I have been using something similar and when the tenth indicator is reading the same at the muzzle and three or more inches out it can't get much more exacting as far as that area being truly central to the bore.