PSL Scores



Keep in mind these scores are preliminary. We will have protests today after the 3rd target. After that, I will repost scores. Target 2:
Target 2
Place Name Bench Score X's TieBrk
1 Dennis Drake 25 2400 17 7
2 Wilton Burnett 108 2400 14 2
3 Jeffrey Miller 187 2400 11 14
4 Mickey Law 103 2400 11 6
5 Tim Miller 152 2400 11 5
6 Darin Roush 74 2400 11 3
7 Gene Davis 170 2400 10 10
8 Darrel Barnes 3 2400 9 5
9 Garry Cox 27 2350 20 3
10 Mark Meadows 16 2325 11 2
11 Wayne Knutsen 86 2325 10 7
12 Allan Hall 41 2300 14 14
13 Brian Brandt 8 2300 14 1
14 Tony Harper 106 2300 12 8
15 Fred Leeds 14 2300 12 1
16 Joe Besche 6 2300 10 1
17 Todd Wooten 10 2275 12 10
18 Tom Rippee 194 2250 14 7
19 Philip Blower 50 2250 12 3
20 Doug Weeter 52 2250 12 2
21 Bill McConkey 107 2250 12 1
22 William Poff 37 2250 11 14
23 Ken Fulghum 31 2225 14 6
24 Bob Watson 51 2200 13 1
25 Tony Blosser 18 2200 12 9
26 Bill Pippen 177 2200 12 6
27 Bill Townsley 159 2200 11 8
28 Tony Meade 138 2200 10 6
29 Bob Collins 58 2200 9 3
30 Craig Young 2 2175 12 1
31 Mike Sherrill 9 2150 12 10
32 David Kenimer 1 2150 12 9
33 Mark Walter 192 2150 12 4
34 Bill Hinegardner 11 2150 12 2
35 Jeff Braun 73 2150 12 1
36 Timothy O'Mara 78 2150 9 1
37 Terry Moore 190 2150 8 1
38 Wendell Dean 7 2150 7 3
39 Bob Finger 57 2125 14 1
40 Phil Dorman 68 2125 10 12
41 Gene Corvin 179 2125 10 1
42 James Faircloth 71 2125 9 1
43 Jerry McFall 39 2125 8 1
44 Jon McKinney 88 2100 11 3
45 Charles Scott 29 2100 10 3
46 Ted Paul 160 2100 10 1
47 Chris Gilmer 17 2100 9 1
48 Joe Oates 21 2100 8 8
49 Alvis Beech 47 2100 8 4
50 O'Neal Huffstutler 148 2075 12 3
51 Adam Wilson 91 2075 8 4
52 Bradley Moore 62 2075 5 2
53 Fred Sears 15 2050 12 3
54 Walt Day 100 2050 11 3
55 Doug Kenimer 13 2050 11 1
56 Ed Calhoun 178 2050 9 8
57 Jim Pepper 35 2050 9 1
58 Jody Reed 156 2050 8 3
59 Ken Camper 49 2050 8 1
60 Dennis Sallin 20 2050 6 1
61 Tony Medinger 99 2000 9 4
62 Allen Stigall 56 2000 8 1
63 Tony Boyer 183 2000 4 2
64 Sam Saunders 36 1975 10 1
65 Timothy Stratton 32 1975 9 3
66 Don Stith 40 1975 6 2
67 Jerry Washam 101 1975 5 1
68 Jerry Graves 30 1965 7 3
69 Robert Oates 28 1950 9 2
70 Bill Myers 67 1950 8 2
71 David Bennett 155 1925 9 2
72 Bob Barnhart 22 1925 6 1
73 Glen Townley 19 1900 8 3
74 Joe Robinson 176 1875 11 3
75 Stanley Clark 150 1875 10 2
76 John Higdon 175 1850 12 1
77 Harold Casteline 135 1825 7 3
78 Kirk Gaston 38 1825 7 1
79 Brad Ashcraft 186 1825 6 1
80 Clay Timanus 174 1825 3 1
81 Jonathan Walter 191 1800 10 2
82 David Holland 182 1800 8 1
83 Junior Brooks 180 1800 3 1
84 Paul Medinger 188 1775 9 2
85 Jack Humphreys 189 1775 8 2
86 David Floyd 181 1775 6 4
87 Dale Moore 84 1775 6 1
88 Bill Lovell 193 1725 7 2
89 Woody Atwood 185 1625 4 1
90 Emery Smith 184 1600 1 6
91 Carl Boise 24 1450 3 1
92 Cliff Keesee 120 1400 4 2
Wow up & down results from target 1 to target 2, I have never shot that target but it seems a little error or lapse can cost you dearly & the competition isn't over until the fat lady sings :eek:
Updated scores for targets 1, 2, 3

Well, the day is done. The scoring team did a fabulous job. We had 58 protested bulls and only 2 were overturned. NOT BAD!(for the scoring team that is) Below are corrected results after 3 targets. On with the results:

Target 1
Place ID# Name Bench Score X's TieBrk
1 1811bdb Brian Brandt 8 2450 14 9
2 4273gwc Garry Cox 27 2400 10 12
3 ? Wendell Dean 7 2400 7 3
4 951 Craig Young 2 2350 13 2
5 dr7912 Darin Roush 74 2350 10 21
6 8226 Fred Leeds 14 2300 16 4
7 3164 Doug Weeter 52 2300 14 21
8 9037bw Bob Watson 51 2300 14 20
9 8516 Kirk Gaston 38 2300 13 2
10 7648 Mickey Law 103 2300 8 8
11 ? Tim Miller 152 2275 11 1
12 8150jr Jody Reed 156 2250 13 5
13 ? Doug Kenimer 13 2250 12 7
14 2482jlg Jerry Graves 30 2250 12 5
15 3329 Wayne Knutsen 86 2250 9 9
16 ? Chris Gilmer 17 2250 8 6
17 8882jp Jim Pepper 35 2200 14 2
18 2929tdm Tony Medinger 99 2200 13 2
19 6299dkd Dennis Drake 25 2200 11 1
20 ? O'Neal Huffstutler 148 2200 10 4
21 ? John Higdon 175 2200 6 8
22 5097 Tony Harper 106 2175 12 4
23 5594 Darrel Barnes 3 2175 8 5
24 0969jlw Jerry Washam 101 2150 13 2
25 231 Mark Meadows 16 2150 13 1
26 ? Tony Blosser 18 2150 11 1
27 1234jab Jeff Braun 73 2150 11 1
28 ? Bill Townsley 159 2150 10 1
29 ? Tony Boyer 183 2150 8 3
30 ? Ted Paul 160 2150 7 4
31 7307 Ken Camper 49 2150 7 2
32 5613 Mike Sherrill 9 2150 7 1
33 ? Wilton Burnett 108 2125 13 6
34 ? Jon McKinney 88 2125 11 1
35 ? David Kenimer 1 2125 9 8
36 ? Tony Meade 138 2125 9 1
37 7417 Allen Stigall 56 2125 7 2
38 ? Paul Medinger 188 2100 12 6
39 ? Mark Walter 192 2100 10 5
40 2108bm Bradley Moore 62 2100 10 1
41 ? Cliff Keesee 120 2100 9 1
42 3888kf Ken Fulghum 31 2100 8 3
43 2108dm Dale Moore 84 2100 7 3
44 1234rlb Bob Barnhart 22 2075 15 1
45 1859jhb Joe Besche 6 2075 12 13
46 ? Bill Pippen 177 2075 12 2
47 ? Bill Hinegardner 11 2075 10 1
48 2555 Ed Calhoun 178 2075 10 1
49 6892des Dennis Sallin 20 2075 9 1
50 ? Jeffrey Miller 187 2075 8 1
51 ? Phil Dorman 68 2050 9 1
52 ? Emery Smith 184 2050 8 6
53 1435tvs Timothy Stratton 32 2050 7 1
54 ? Bob Collins 58 2025 11 2
55 ? Woody Atwood 185 2025 11 1
56 3609jhf James Faircloth 71 2025 9 1
57 ? Jack Humphreys 189 2025 8 3
58 ? Jonathan Walter 191 2025 8 2
59 4831 Allan Hall 41 2025 7 1
60 902 Terry Moore 190 2025 6 4
61 5219taw Todd Wooten 10 2025 6 1
62 8465jto Joe Oates 21 2000 9 2
63 9603 Fred Sears 15 2000 8 4
64 2906 Gene Davis 170 2000 7 1
65 1914shs Sam Saunders 36 1950 9 5
66 2549wmd Walt Day 100 1950 9 1
67 7765 Gene Corvin 179 1950 8 3
68 4059 Bill Myers 67 1950 7 3
69 9023ahw Adam Wilson 91 1925 7 2
70 ? Alvis Beech 47 1900 9 1
71 812 William Poff 37 1900 8 7
72 9054teo Timothy O'Mara 78 1900 6 2
73 ? Brad Ashcraft 186 1900 5 3
74 6989cts Charles Scott 29 1875 8 2
75 3743 Tom Rippee 194 1875 8 1
76 ? Bob Finger 57 1875 6 1
77 3960 Glen Townley 19 1875 5 3
78 ? David Floyd 181 1850 8 1
79 1940jm Jerry McFall 39 1850 6 2
80 8479pab Philip Blower 50 1825 3 1
81 3325sjc Stanley Clark 150 1825 3 1
82 4545dgs Don Stith 40 1775 5 1
83 ? Joe Robinson 176 1750 11 1
84 5250 Bill McConkey 107 1750 8 1
85 ? David Holland 182 1725 8 1
86 7012rmo Robert Oates 28 1700 6 1
87 ? Harold Casteline 135 1675 6 1
88 ? Clay Timanus 174 1675 6 1
89 ? David Bennett 155 1650 4 1
90 ? Bill Lovell 193 1625 4 1
91 cb8477 Carl Boise 24 1450 6 1
92 ? Junior Brooks 180 1400 4 1

Target 2
Place ID# Name Bench Score X's TieBrk
1 6299dkd Dennis Drake 25 2400 17 7
2 ? Wilton Burnett 108 2400 14 2
3 ? Jeffrey Miller 187 2400 11 14
4 7648 Mickey Law 103 2400 11 6
5 ? Tim Miller 152 2400 11 5
6 dr7912 Darin Roush 74 2400 11 3
7 2906 Gene Davis 170 2400 10 10
8 5594 Darrel Barnes 3 2400 9 5
9 4273gwc Garry Cox 27 2350 12 3
10 231 Mark Meadows 16 2325 11 2
11 3329 Wayne Knutsen 86 2325 10 7
12 4831 Allan Hall 41 2300 14 14
13 1811bdb Brian Brandt 8 2300 14 1
14 5097 Tony Harper 106 2300 12 8
15 8226 Fred Leeds 14 2300 12 1
16 1859jhb Joe Besche 6 2300 10 1
17 5219taw Todd Wooten 10 2275 12 10
18 3743 Tom Rippee 194 2250 14 7
19 8479pab Philip Blower 50 2250 12 3
20 3164 Doug Weeter 52 2250 12 2
21 5250 Bill McConkey 107 2250 12 1
22 812 William Poff 37 2250 11 14
23 3888kf Ken Fulghum 31 2225 14 6
24 9037bw Bob Watson 51 2200 13 1
25 ? Tony Blosser 18 2200 12 9
26 ? Bill Pippen 177 2200 12 6
27 ? Bill Townsley 159 2200 11 8
28 ? Tony Meade 138 2200 10 6
29 ? Bob Collins 58 2200 9 3
30 951 Craig Young 2 2175 12 1
31 5613 Mike Sherrill 9 2150 12 10
32 ? David Kenimer 1 2150 12 9
33 ? Mark Walter 192 2150 12 4
34 ? Bill Hinegardner 11 2150 12 2
35 1234jab Jeff Braun 73 2150 12 1
36 9054teo Timothy O'Mara 78 2150 9 1
37 902 Terry Moore 190 2150 8 1
38 ? Wendell Dean 7 2150 7 3
39 ? Bob Finger 57 2125 14 1
40 ? Phil Dorman 68 2125 10 12
41 7765 Gene Corvin 179 2125 10 1
42 3609jhf James Faircloth 71 2125 9 1
43 1940jm Jerry McFall 39 2125 8 1
44 ? Jon McKinney 88 2100 11 3
45 6989cts Charles Scott 29 2100 10 3
46 ? Ted Paul 160 2100 10 1
47 ? Chris Gilmer 17 2100 9 1
48 8465jto Joe Oates 21 2100 8 8
49 ? Alvis Beech 47 2100 8 4
50 ? O'Neal Huffstutler 148 2075 12 3
51 9023ahw Adam Wilson 91 2075 8 4
52 2108bm Bradley Moore 62 2075 5 2
53 9603 Fred Sears 15 2050 12 3
54 2549wmd Walt Day 100 2050 11 3
55 ? Doug Kenimer 13 2050 11 1
56 2555 Ed Calhoun 178 2050 9 8
57 8882jp Jim Pepper 35 2050 9 1
58 8150jr Jody Reed 156 2050 8 3
59 7307 Ken Camper 49 2050 8 1
60 6892des Dennis Sallin 20 2050 6 1
61 2929tdm Tony Medinger 99 2000 9 4
62 7417 Allen Stigall 56 2000 8 1
63 ? Tony Boyer 183 2000 4 2
64 1914shs Sam Saunders 36 1975 10 1
65 1435tvs Timothy Stratton 32 1975 9 3
66 4545dgs Don Stith 40 1975 6 2
67 0969jlw Jerry Washam 101 1975 5 1
68 7012rmo Robert Oates 28 1950 9 2
69 4059 Bill Myers 67 1950 8 2
70 ? David Bennett 155 1925 9 2
71 2482jlg Jerry Graves 30 1925 7 3
72 1234rlb Bob Barnhart 22 1925 6 1
73 3960 Glen Townley 19 1900 8 3
74 ? Joe Robinson 176 1875 11 3
75 3325sjc Stanley Clark 150 1875 10 2
76 ? John Higdon 175 1850 12 1
77 ? Harold Casteline 135 1825 7 3
78 8516 Kirk Gaston 38 1825 7 1
79 ? Brad Ashcraft 186 1825 6 1
80 ? Clay Timanus 174 1825 3 1
81 ? Jonathan Walter 191 1800 10 2
82 ? David Holland 182 1800 8 1
83 ? Junior Brooks 180 1800 3 1
84 ? Paul Medinger 188 1775 9 2
85 ? Jack Humphreys 189 1775 8 2
86 ? David Floyd 181 1775 6 4
87 2108dm Dale Moore 84 1775 6 1
88 ? Bill Lovell 193 1725 7 2
89 ? Woody Atwood 185 1625 4 1
90 ? Emery Smith 184 1600 1 6
91 cb8477 Carl Boise 24 1450 3 1
92 ? Cliff Keesee 120 1400 4 2

Target 3
Place ID# Name Bench Score X's TieBrk
1 8516 Kirk Gaston 38 2400 16 11
2 5219taw Todd Wooten 10 2400 16 3
3 4273gwc Garry Cox 27 2350 16 14
4 2482jlg Jerry Graves 30 2350 15 3
5 8226 Fred Leeds 14 2350 14 16
6 951 Craig Young 2 2350 13 11
7 ? Wilton Burnett 108 2300 14 7
8 1811bdb Brian Brandt 8 2300 14 6
9 ? Wendell Dean 7 2300 14 4
10 ? Bob Collins 58 2300 12 4
11 5613 Mike Sherrill 9 2275 15 2
12 3743 Tom Rippee 194 2275 12 3
13 2108bm Bradley Moore 62 2275 8 1
14 1234rlb Bob Barnhart 22 2250 11 1
15 ? Chris Gilmer 17 2225 12 5
16 2906 Gene Davis 170 2225 11 4
17 3164 Doug Weeter 52 2225 10 1
18 7648 Mickey Law 103 2200 12 1
19 8150jr Jody Reed 156 2200 12 1
20 6299dkd Dennis Drake 25 2200 10 2
21 3888kf Ken Fulghum 31 2200 10 2
22 9023ahw Adam Wilson 91 2200 10 1
23 ? Bill Hinegardner 11 2200 9 11
24 ? O'Neal Huffstutler 148 2200 8 1
25 2549wmd Walt Day 100 2175 12 1
26 ? Tony Blosser 18 2175 11 2
27 6989cts Charles Scott 29 2175 9 1
28 ? Bob Finger 57 2175 5 1
29 1914shs Sam Saunders 36 2150 12 2
30 ? Bill Pippen 177 2150 11 5
31 4545dgs Don Stith 40 2150 11 3
32 5594 Darrel Barnes 3 2150 11 2
33 8882jp Jim Pepper 35 2150 11 1
34 ? Bill Townsley 159 2150 9 5
35 ? Tony Meade 138 2150 8 8
36 0969jlw Jerry Washam 101 2150 8 4
37 2929tdm Tony Medinger 99 2125 13 3
38 ? Jon McKinney 88 2125 12 3
39 ? John Higdon 175 2125 11 3
40 2555 Ed Calhoun 178 2125 8 4
41 ? David Floyd 181 2125 7 3
42 ? Tim Miller 152 2100 10 1
43 9037bw Bob Watson 51 2100 8 6
44 ? Tony Boyer 183 2100 8 3
45 7765 Gene Corvin 179 2100 8 2
46 8479pab Philip Blower 50 2100 7 3
47 ? Paul Medinger 188 2075 11 1
48 ? Woody Atwood 185 2075 10 4
49 5250 Bill McConkey 107 2075 8 2
50 9603 Fred Sears 15 2050 13 2
51 3609jhf James Faircloth 71 2050 12 6
52 231 Mark Meadows 16 2050 11 2
53 5097 Tony Harper 106 2050 11 2
54 ? Doug Kenimer 13 2050 10 1
55 4831 Allan Hall 41 2050 9 1
56 ? David Kenimer 1 2050 8 8
57 902 Terry Moore 190 2050 6 1
58 ? Alvis Beech 47 2025 11 1
59 3960 Glen Townley 19 2025 9 1
60 1435tvs Timothy Stratton 32 2025 8 25
61 6892des Dennis Sallin 20 2000 9 3
62 4059 Bill Myers 67 2000 9 1
63 dr7912 Darin Roush 74 2000 9 1
64 ? Phil Dorman 68 2000 8 2
65 7307 Ken Camper 49 2000 8 1
66 9054teo Timothy O'Mara 78 2000 4 3
67 3325sjc Stanley Clark 150 1975 11 2
68 7417 Allen Stigall 56 1975 10 2
69 ? Emery Smith 184 1950 8 2
70 ? Ted Paul 160 1950 6 5
71 1859jhb Joe Besche 6 1950 6 1
72 ? Clay Timanus 174 1925 10 3
73 1234jab Jeff Braun 73 1925 10 2
74 ? David Bennett 155 1925 10 1
75 8465jto Joe Oates 21 1925 9 2
76 cb8477 Carl Boise 24 1925 7 7
77 ? Jack Humphreys 189 1925 5 2
78 2108dm Dale Moore 84 1925 4 1
79 ? Brad Ashcraft 186 1900 8 6
80 ? Jeffrey Miller 187 1900 8 5
81 1940jm Jerry McFall 39 1900 7 1
82 3329 Wayne Knutsen 86 1900 6 3
83 7012rmo Robert Oates 28 1825 5 2
84 ? Mark Walter 192 1800 8 8
85 ? Bill Lovell 193 1750 6 3
86 ? Joe Robinson 176 1675 6 4
87 ? Jonathan Walter 191 1650 4 3
88 ? Cliff Keesee 120 1600 3 3
89 812 William Poff 37 1600 2 2
90 ? Junior Brooks 180 1575 2 1
91 ? Harold Casteline 135 1550 5 1
92 ? David Holland 182 1375 6 1
All targets agg after 3 targets

All Targets Agg
Place ID# Name Bench Score X's TieBrk
1 4273gwc Garry Cox 27 7100 38 2400
2 1811bdb Brian Brandt 8 7050 42 2450
3 8226 Fred Leeds 14 6950 42 2350
4 7648 Mickey Law 103 6900 31 2400
5 951 Craig Young 2 6875 38 2350
6 ? Wendell Dean 7 6850 28 2400
7 ? Wilton Burnett 108 6825 41 2400
8 6299dkd Dennis Drake 25 6800 38 2400
9 3164 Doug Weeter 52 6775 36 2300
10 ? Tim Miller 152 6775 32 2400
11 dr7912 Darin Roush 74 6750 30 2400
12 5594 Darrel Barnes 3 6725 28 2400
13 5219taw Todd Wooten 10 6700 34 2400
14 2906 Gene Davis 170 6625 28 2400
15 9037bw Bob Watson 51 6600 35 2300
16 5613 Mike Sherrill 9 6575 34 2275
17 ? Chris Gilmer 17 6575 29 2250
18 8516 Kirk Gaston 38 6525 36 2400
19 231 Mark Meadows 16 6525 35 2325
20 5097 Tony Harper 106 6525 35 2300
21 2482jlg Jerry Graves 30 6525 34 2350
22 ? Tony Blosser 18 6525 34 2200
23 ? Bob Collins 58 6525 32 2300
24 3888kf Ken Fulghum 31 6525 32 2225
25 8150jr Jody Reed 156 6500 33 2250
26 ? Bill Townsley 159 6500 30 2200
27 ? O'Neal Huffstutler 148 6475 30 2200
28 ? Tony Meade 138 6475 27 2200
29 3329 Wayne Knutsen 86 6475 25 2325
30 2108bm Bradley Moore 62 6450 23 2275
31 ? Bill Pippen 177 6425 35 2200
32 ? Bill Hinegardner 11 6425 31 2200
33 3743 Tom Rippee 194 6400 34 2275
34 8882jp Jim Pepper 35 6400 34 2200
35 4831 Allan Hal l 41 6375 30 2300
36 ? Jeffrey Miller 187 6375 27 2400
37 ? Jon McKinney 88 6350 34 2125
38 ? Doug Kenimer 13 6350 33 2250
39 2929tdm Tony Medinger 99 6325 35 2200
40 ? David Kenimer 1 6325 29 2150
41 1859jhb Joe Besche 6 6325 28 2300
42 0969jlw Jerry Washam 101 6275 26 2150
43 1234rlb Bob Barnhart 22 6250 32 2250
44 2555 Ed Calhoun 178 6250 27 2125
45 ? Tony Boyer 183 6250 20 2150
46 1234jab Jeff Braun 73 6225 33 2150
47 902 Terry Moore 190 6225 20 2150
48 3609jhf James Faircloth 71 6200 30 2125
49 9023ahw Adam Wilson 91 6200 25 2200
50 7307 Ken Camper 49 6200 23 2150
51 ? Ted Paul 160 6200 23 2150
52 2549wmd Walt Day 100 6175 32 2175
53 ? John Higdon 175 6175 29 2200
54 ? Phil Dorman 68 6175 27 2125
55 7765 Gene Corvin 179 6175 26 2125
56 ? Bob Finger 57 6175 25 2175
57 8479pab Philip Blower 50 6175 22 2250
58 6989cts Charles Scott 29 6150 27 2175
59 6892des Dennis Sallin 20 6125 24 2075
60 9603 Fred Sears 15 6100 33 2050
61 7417 Allen Stigall 56 6100 25 2125
62 1914shs Sam Saunders 36 6075 31 2150
63 5250 Bill McConkey 107 6075 28 2250
64 ? Mark Walter 192 6050 30 2150
65 1435tvs Timothy Stratton 32 6050 24 2050
66 9054teo Timothy O'Mara 78 6050 19 2150
67 ? Alvis Beech 47 6025 28 2100
68 8465jto Joe Oates 21 6025 26 2100
69 ? Paul Medinger 188 5950 32 2100
70 4059 Bill Myers 67 5900 24 2000
71 4545dgs Don Stith 40 5900 22 2150
72 1940jm Jerry McFall 39 5875 21 2125
73 3960 Glen Townley 19 5800 22 2025
74 2108dm Dale Moore 84 5800 17 2100
75 812 William Poff 37 5750 21 2250
76 ? David Floyd 181 5750 21 2125
77 ? Woody Atwood 185 5725 25 2075
78 ? Jack Humphreys 189 5725 21 2025
79 3325sjc Stanley Clark 150 5675 24 1975
80 ? Brad Ashcraft 186 5625 19 1900
81 ? Emery Smith 184 5600 17 2050
82 ? David Bennett 155 5500 23 1925
83 ? Jonathan Walter 191 5475 22 2025
84 7012rmo Robert Oates 28 5475 20 1950
85 ? Clay Timanus 174 5425 19 1925
86 ? Joe Robinson 176 5300 28 1875
87 ? Bill Lovell 193 5100 17 1750
88 ? Cliff Keesee 120 5100 16 2100
89 ? Harold Casteline 135 5050 18 1825
90 ? David Holland 182 4900 22 1800
91 cb8477 Carl Boise 24 4825 16 1925
92 ? Junior Brooks 180 4775 9 1800
Going good Chipper, plenty of Whisky tonight in readiness for tomorrow & slap Dave K into gear from me!
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Well, the day is done. The scoring team did a fabulous job. We had 58 protested bulls and only 2 were overturned. NOT BAD!(for the scoring team that is)

Fifty-eight protest out of 276 targets shot. That is more than one protest for each five targets shot. Does anyone else think that is a bit excessive? At our local club we have very few protest and nearly all of them are obviously mistakes that result in a change of score.

What gives?

Concho Bill
It's the importance of the match. And also remember this (these) matches in the PSL are for more than bragging rights. I think also that there using their new electronic scoring scoring program and with only 2 overturns that's pretty good. I hope all is well and good with Dan and Dawn. That is a daunting task. Good luck to all of the shooters and I will definately be competing in at least one this year.

John M. Carper
Yes that is the one and only, Tony Boyer. I hope he enjoys rimfire.

John M. Carper
Yes that is the one and only, Tony Boyer. I hope he enjoys rimfire.

John M. Carper

Maybe he needs a decent rifle to compete with, i'm sure he is not use to being in the middle of the pack. Maybe its old age, it gets us all. Jack
yeah, that Calfee crap will get you in the middle of the pack everytime 8>)
He's shooting a Calfee Turbo built just for him. It's a big learning curve from centerfire to rimfire, sorta like NASCAR to Formula 1.

John M. Carper
compare the top 25 scores this year to the top 25 last year it appears this years scores are up by about 50 points. then compare top 50 to last and this years +25 points. I believe 17x's shot by D. Drake is the highest for 3 targets compared to 3 last year.
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I believe it is more about having the right combination on that particular day at the barn.

You may have the most killer combination out doors and you get to the barn and cant do crap with it. The opposite is also true....What works one event at the barn may not work at all the next time.

He's shooting a Calfee Turbo built just for him. It's a big learning curve from centerfire to rimfire, sorta like NASCAR to Formula 1.

John M. Carper

Well i guess it is not the rifle! I don't think your car compairson works for Mr. Boyer, i'd say he is stepping down from formula 1 to late models on a dirt track. Does anyone know how old he is anyway? Jack
Apparently you've never shot competitive rimfire in the barn:) Mr. Boyer's doing pretty well.
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I'm just a rimfire nut. I was comparing in jest. I don't have a clue how old Tony is. I am very aware of his accomplishments though. But in all seriousness it is a great big learning curve from centerfire (where you have complete control of your ammo) to rimfire (where you do one day and not the next).

John M. Carper

p.s. I notice that there is a large number of folks waiting for the score update as I am too.
yeah, Carp I was just checking to see if any scores had been put up yet. I was planning on going to the shoot but woke up to a stomach virus on Friday morning. Lot's of super scores have been shot. In the barn, conditions change from relay to relay as the day goes on, and as the place warms up, and the outdoor light changes. Not as easy as some would think. You just have to experience it to see.
So I've heard! Makes me a bit scared to shoot indoors. You can obviously see the changes by the scores at some of those matches from relay to relay and target to target.

John M. Carper