PSL Match # 3


J Pappas

Congratulations to Kirk Gaston for winning the PSL match # 3.
Congratulations to Jerry Graves for finishing 2nd. Yes, I have known you long enough to know how you feel about 2nd place, but you still shot great.
Congratulations to Mark Meadows for your third place finish. Watching on BRC it was hard to tell who was leading going into the last target. It was indeed exciting to watch unfold. Congratulations to all the shooters, I am sure ya'll had a good time. I am looking forward to the next match since Jessica and I should be able to go. I would like to have been there to see this match, I know it was an exciting match. And last, thanks to Dan and Dawn, and Kettlefoot Range, I know this was a lot of hard work. We shooters appreciate it. James
Thanks James 2nd place normally stinks but I was happy to have it!Great shooting Kirk.It was good to see everyone its been a long winter.Jerry
PSL- Kettlefoot

Congratulations Kirk. In your case, the equipment is going to shine no matter what it is. A testament to your toughness. Great job Dan and Dawn. Rick
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