Limited Time Offer:
If you are coming to the PSL match this weekend and have an old laptop that you use for scoring a match (or want to use)– BRING IT1I will show you how to make it run better than it has never run before. (probable faster than your home computer)
This is for a laptop that you were going to throw away because it was so slow or just did not work!
We will wipe it clean and start over.
Install a new operating program, Excel and the latest version of your scoring program.
If you have files you want to save on it bring a Thumb Drive or some sort of external drive to save them to. (Even Better save them before you come.)
Minimum Spec:
200 MHZ processor.
128 MB of Ram (Memory)
4 GB Hard Disk
1 or 2 USB Ports
CD or DVD drive
Do not forget your power brick!
If you have any of the Original CD’s that came with the laptop - bring them along.
I will be there tomorrow afternoon so come early and stay late!
If none of the above applies just come and have a good time! ~
PS We can do Desktops (Easier) but bring a Keboard and mouse!
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