Prx quote that everyone should take note


Default PRX - What You All Have Done
Good Morning All

A little over as year ago, I introduced PRX to the shooting community. I figured that a few might try it, and then it would fade away, just one more kooky idea about tuning.

Was I ever wrong!!

Before I begin tho, I want to say that PRX is NOT the sole reason for these accomplishments. It takes great shooters, with great equipment, and using great ammo. PRX is just another part of that winning combination. Or as Bob Finger is fond of saying: "PRX is a tool"

You will nitice that I have not posted the names of the shooters. Unless they have openly posted their accomplishment and the use of PRX, I do not feel it is my place top use their name. I would invite them to verify what I am saying, if they care to do so

In the past 12 months:

6 National Championships in 3 different countries, in both RFBR and Prone Competitions
Over 20 top 3 finishes in different National Championships in RFBR and Prone/3P competitions
2 National records set (The one here in the US has since been eclisped)
At least 2, 2500's shot in ARA Competition. Congrats Fred, you were one of the first shooters to ever post that you had tried PRX and that it worked. It is deserving that you shot that perfect card
Top 3 finishes in the PSL
A Silver medal in World Cup competition
A Bronze medal in The Commonwealth GAmes
A Silver and a Bronze in the ISSF World Championships

Some other numbers:

PRX is being used in at least 14 different counrtries
Almost 60,000 views of PRX related threads across all the forums
2500 emails
Several hundred phone calls

There are at least 4 different tuners being built in 3 different countries that are either directly based on PRX, or are recommended as part of the setup.

Of note on this is Joe Chacon. We worked together to design a tuner specifically for the 10/22 crowd. These tuners work very well and I am suprised that more shooters aren't using them. This, coupled with his work in bringing ABRA to the shooting community, has done much to help introduce RFBR to a whole new group of shooters. Its people like Joe who are planting the seeds for next generation of RFBR shooter.

I've probably used up too much space, so I'll close for now.

If you have a particular accomplishment that you feel PRX helped you with, please feel free to post it here.

The biggest winner here in all of this is me. I have made so many new friends, that I never would have had the opportunity otherwise

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be of service.

Have a great day my friends

Topny Purdy
The Purdy Prescription (PRX)

Does your rifle shoot "Purdy Good"?