PRX calculator for tuners




The PRX spreadsheet thread seems to have tapered off.

Has anyone got a spreadsheet?

Specifically, I'm tuning a Harrel and a Lowey tuner to .85" benchrest rimfire barrels

Many thanks
Check Email.

Thanks Fred

So to clear up some abbreviations that have become commonplace:
Short Slide : refers to Harrels?
Long slide : a Lowey style tuner?

The references to Links and washers seem to relate to a particular model common in the US but not down here???

Your help is much appreciated
Noodles & Slides

Those abbreviations stand for the Pappas Noodle and the J&J Slide. These are made to screw on to the Harrell Tuner. The Long is 9" and the Short is 6". They are both Large tubes with and opening of 1.5" They are both made here in Texas. They also have a sliding ring that some use in tuning.

Those abbreviations stand for the Pappas Noodle and the J&J Slide. These are made to screw on to the Harrell Tuner. The Long is 9" and the Short is 6". They are both Large tubes with and opening of 1.5" They are both made here in Texas. They also have a sliding ring that some use in tuning.

Why would someone use a noodle on a gun with a scope? Extending sight distance isn't an issue. Are they a tuning implement in addition to the tuner itself? Tks. Greg
Form of Tuning

These Noodles/Slides, are not used to extend the site radius. Only a form of Tuning device, just like the site extension tubes used by the Olympic Shooters.

Does anyone have a spreadsheet for the PRX tuner adjustment?



e-mail Tony @

He will be happy to help and send the spreadsheet, great guy to work with.

If you measure very carefully you will be surprised at the results. May not be spot on, but will be very close.

Good Luck.