Hello Gents, Discovered your site a short time ago and joined today when I noticed this thread on Prvi Partizan brass. I'm hardly an expert on rifles, shooting, reloading and etc., but have enjoyed them since I retired about 6 years ago. As to Prvi Partizan brass, usually marked NNY on rim, I've used Prvi brass for a number of years now. Have some European cartridge military rifles, such as 6.5x55 Swede, 7x57 mauser, 7.5 Swiss. Hardly the quality of Lapua, but I've found it to be decent brass and reasonably priced. Don't recall any problems with my Prvi brass being too soft. But have experienced Prvi being what I thought was too hard, when I first resized some of it. I get more reloads out of my Prvi brass than Remington or Winchester. A decent variety of Prvi Partizan brass (& bullets) is available for popular American cartridges and quite a variety of European cartridges at Grafs and Sons. You'll find from 22 hornet to 375 H&H at Grafs.