PRVI Brass



Just wondering if anyone has experience with this brass. My co-worker has had good results with the ammo so I am considering buying some if the brass is decent or comparable to Rem. Wincheser etc.

for odd caliber where us brass is not available or for plinking brass....

mike in co
Just wondering if anyone has experience with this brass. My co-worker has had good results with the ammo so I am considering buying some if the brass is decent or comparable to Rem. Wincheser etc.

I know of one case where PRVI brass was used for an obsolete large caliber cartridge and apparently the neck had been heated too much during annealing from the factory and the shoulders were collapsing when bullets were seated with little effort. The individual was going to contact the vendor, but I didn't hear the final results. That may be an isolated case because it was a rare cartridge. - nhk
I think PRVI might make loaded ammo sold as Highland AX in Australia (if I'm wrong I'll stand corrected).
This ammo is cheap... In Australia where Lapua and Norma brass is cheaper than than Remchester brass... (see some of my other posts).
I bought 200 rounds of Highland AX 22-250 ammo to fireform 22-250AI cases a couple of years ago - the cases hadn't been acid washed and the annealing was obvious, but that doesn't tell you how soft it is.
They formed as well as hand loaded Norma and Winchester cases and had no issues with high pressure reloads - good, because not all reloading is fun anymore.
I suspect Norma has had a hard time of it on the internet with respect to "soft case heads" - maybe some batches of some cases, sure, but Weatherby use it for factory ammo.
Can't be too soft at those pressures.
I loaned my 22-250AI reamer to a friend and he used sorted PMC (South Korean) cases with no issues.
I never tried Lapua 22-250 brass because it wasn't available but it must be the best, musn't it? ;-)
I was at the range last Friday shooting my 308 Win Rem 700.

The 1st round. It shot ok. Upon chambering the 2nd round, the bolt would not close. Thought it was an oversized case. Tried a second and a third. All the same. Would not chamber. Tried my hand loads. The same thing. Pulled the bolt and looked down the barrel into the action, nothing. Looked thru the action, again nothing.

Went home, really pissed. Went into the shop, put the barrel into the fixture and pulled the barrel. Incidently, this is a blueprinted Rem 700. One barrel is a 6.5x47 Lapua Kreiger 1:8 twist. The other is the original 308 Win barrel which I was shooting.

The result. I found a complete primer in the lug slot in the front of the action. It came out of the back of the 1st case.

Just to be safe, I pulled the other 19 bullets from the cases, fertilized my lawn, popped the primers out and threw out the brass. Never again.

They may all be ok, but not for me.

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Hello Gents, Discovered your site a short time ago and joined today when I noticed this thread on Prvi Partizan brass. I'm hardly an expert on rifles, shooting, reloading and etc., but have enjoyed them since I retired about 6 years ago. As to Prvi Partizan brass, usually marked NNY on rim, I've used Prvi brass for a number of years now. Have some European cartridge military rifles, such as 6.5x55 Swede, 7x57 mauser, 7.5 Swiss. Hardly the quality of Lapua, but I've found it to be decent brass and reasonably priced. Don't recall any problems with my Prvi brass being too soft. But have experienced Prvi being what I thought was too hard, when I first resized some of it. I get more reloads out of my Prvi brass than Remington or Winchester. A decent variety of Prvi Partizan brass (& bullets) is available for popular American cartridges and quite a variety of European cartridges at Grafs and Sons. You'll find from 22 hornet to 375 H&H at Grafs.
Sounds like PRVI may have some quality control issues with brass. I've tried one of their bullets and it wasn't comparable to similar domestic bullets. - nhk
I agree about the PRVI bullets - they're the cheapest you can buy in Australia and not the quality you get with US bullets.
The only bullets I use that aren't sourced from the US are Lapua Scenars.

I've seen advertisements for 223R and 50BMG brass made by Australian Defence Industries which would probably be good quality but I don't know why they don't make 308W brass anymore. propellants posters A3 landscape 3_PRINT.pdf

When the army ran the fullbore range next to Port Adelaide they gave loaded 7.62N ammo to shooters for free.
When reloaded (free ammo is good but a 147gr military FMJ is not a 155gr Match King) that brass would handle very high pressures.

When the army handed the range over to the SA state government there was no more free ammo and inevitably the range was turned into a freeway and a truck parking lot for a transport business owned by someone who made a lot of donations to state politicians.
Luckily one of the members in my rifle club was a member of parliament and helped secure a new range for fullbore shooting and f-class, but it's not in the metropolitan area.