Protests hit benchrest

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
Local authorities report large crowds of protesters demonstrating in two states against the continued existence of two well known benchrest shooters: Dave Coots and Scott Smallwood. The protesters are carrying signs saying things such as "Enough is Enough", "Why are They Still Alive?", "Humanity Matters. They Do Not", "No One, Even Animals and Large Reptiles are Safe" etc. The main groups of protesters include Catholic nuns carrying yardsticks and Buddhist priests carrying cans of gasoline and matches. Most protesters are taking two knees with a minority falling flat on their faces. All appear highly agitated. If any benchrest shooter is approached by them the police recommend that they deny knowing these two or their whereabouts. Several benchrest shooters have not heeded this advice. They were set on fire and smacked repeatedly with yardsticks. Tim
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I don't know the two obvious miscreants referred to above (I REALLY DON'T know them....honest) but your post is hysterical.

signed..... Anonymous
Sorry I didn't see this sooner Dr Tim. Scott and I were in Seattle helping our bro's out with the protest. That Chop area is awesome. I black faced myself and Smallwood went as my dwarf buddy. They didn't notice us shooting our benchrest rifles with all the other gunfire going on. Plenty of food and drink there. Good thing as there isn't much else to do all day. The food trucks come in every night and unload, not sure who is paying for that, George somebody I've heard. Everyone is happy and having a good time and can't believe how gullible people are becoming in this country. It's hard to believe the city doesn't shut off the water and sewer so we will all leave. At first a lot of people were a bit suspicious of Smallwood's support dog. Once he got the wool sheared off they understood. It's getting a lot better on leash, but it's really hard to find any grass for it to eat.

Are you going to the E/W Match?



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Baaaaaaahd to the bone

Dave, I am not going to the East-West. I hope to go to the Midland shoots at the earliest.
For those who do not know Coots and Smallwood the only thing you do need to know about them is that they have each relentlessly accused the other of having sex with ungulates, mainly sheep but sometimes goats. I don't know the origin of this but I believe that the reason it has gone on so long is that each looks and acts like they are truly capable of bestiality. Tim
Dave, I am not going to the East-West. I hope to go to the Midland shoots at the earliest.
For those who do not know Coots and Smallwood the only thing you do need to know about them is that they have each relentlessly accused the other of having sex with ungulates, mainly sheep but sometimes goats. I don't know the origin of this but I believe that the reason it has gone on so long is that each looks and acts like they are truly capable of bestiality. Tim

That is a pretty steep accusation. If that statement was an inside joke okay but if not, I have to ask what yew were doing.

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Reply to an outrageous pun.

Mort, I won't try to pull the wool over your eyes. I am innocent as a new born lamb. Those two are wolves in sheep's clothing. Tim