Preferred front rest used for IBS shoots


James n TN

I don't wish to start or stir some pot here but I'm looking for the preferred (Legal) front rest to compete with in IBS matches. I don't want to have to buy something and rip it apart have it machined down or what ever to make it legal I'd like it be legal to use when it arrives. The rifle being used will be for LG class at 600 and 1000 yard matches.
Thanks in advance.

James -

It kind of boils down to a bag issue more so then a rest issue, in most scenario's.
As to say, you could buy about any rest (or top), but what matters is the bag and it's thickness and width, and if it is thick enough to keep the 1/2" minimal required height above all containment. Example:
- my Sinclair rest and top is legal with my current Protektor bag. But if I replaced the bag with a thinner one, it would not comply with the rules.

No rests and bag are deemed legal by purchase only.....
They all have to confirm to be legal (just as my Sinclair example) with your rifle in place.
There is also stock designs that may infringe the rules in certain rests as well.
There are also add-ons that could infringe the rules, if bolted on.

I also suggest you contact one of the LR committee members and discuss these matters and your questions first hand with them.
Instead of having to read threw scrutinized replies trying to grasp answers to your questions (like happened to you on AccuShooter. com)
Here is a Link to the IBS LR committee:

Sir I am going to try and ease your mind on this rest issue but I am probably going to p--s a bunch of people off but it is what it is I have been reading responses to then post on accurate shooter here goes I am not to familiar whit the older Seb rest but if you set your rifle in the rest an you take a slide rule set it on top of the retainer at the front of the sand bag and at the rear side of the bag if you have 1/2 inch clearance you are good to go if not do what you have to do to fix the problem an I don't think anyone at a match will give you any grief.
Stan Taylor
Chairman of the longe range committee