For those that have experience with different bedding methods.
What would your preferred method be?
Pillars or glue in the action?
I am sure that the type of action ( Anschutz, Turbo, Hall etc. ) would have some bearing on the method chosen.
For what its worth, the rifle that I am currently shooting an Anschutz 54 action that is pillar bedded into a Kelbly stock. It is skim bedded and I have varied the action screw torque to determine the "best" torque values.
Not interested in a generic answer such as "whatever my gunsmith prefers".
Really want to know if one approach has an advantage over the other, and would choose a gunsmith that can or would bed the action of my next rifle based on that information.
What would your preferred method be?
Pillars or glue in the action?
I am sure that the type of action ( Anschutz, Turbo, Hall etc. ) would have some bearing on the method chosen.
For what its worth, the rifle that I am currently shooting an Anschutz 54 action that is pillar bedded into a Kelbly stock. It is skim bedded and I have varied the action screw torque to determine the "best" torque values.
Not interested in a generic answer such as "whatever my gunsmith prefers".
Really want to know if one approach has an advantage over the other, and would choose a gunsmith that can or would bed the action of my next rifle based on that information.