Precision Shooting's benchrest primer II?


Patrick Kennedy
This year ended with some sad news that Precision Shooting was no longer going to be publishing the magazine that so many loved. I was reading one of my favorite reference books the "Benchrest Primer," and it hit me, what is the chances that the members of Precision Shooting would make and updated edition? The benchrest primer is a welth of great information, but some of it is dated, as the book has articles from PS magazine from 1982 through 1996. I would love to see them make a second edition to this great book. I would love to see them pick up with 1996, and move forward, to 2012. So who elese would love to see this new book? How could we encourage the Precision shooting to make this book?
This year ended with some sad news that Precision Shooting was no longer going to be publishing the magazine that so many loved. I was reading one of my favorite reference books the "Benchrest Primer," and it hit me, what is the chances that the members of Precision Shooting would make and updated edition? The benchrest primer is a welth of great information, but some of it is dated, as the book has articles from PS magazine from 1982 through 1996. I would love to see them make a second edition to this great book. I would love to see them pick up with 1996, and move forward, to 2012. So who elese would love to see this new book? How could we encourage the Precision shooting to make this book?

Probably, slim to none.

If you personally financed the total expenses, for the life of the project, including salaries, they might do it.

How many copies do you think you would have to sell, and at what price, to cover all costs, get your investment back, and make a little profit, to cover the loss you would have made, by not putting your money in a more profitable investment elsewhere?
Maybe we should ask Tony Boyer, Mike Ratigan, Randolph Constantine and Nancy Gallagher. They all wrote books about shooting and I bought all of them. Don't know how they came out financially but it didn't stop them.
Well, if another one came out, I'd buy it and read it. Being fairly new to bench rest, I have bought a bunch of Precision Shooting back issues plus some of their books and they are worth their weight in gold to me. Dave Brennan's ability to pull together the best ideas of some of the best shooters and gunsmiths was quite remarkable. I really enjoy the back and forth discussions between real authorities that took place. Sure you can get a lot off the Internet, but there's a lot to be said for a highly knowledgeable editor with connections to filter it all, organize it, and present it. I miss the magazine. There is nothing else like it. The other magazines pretty much exist to sell mainstream products.
Wouldn't it be smarter to offer a digital version of all their issues (as PDF). I'd pay money for that and is pretty much zero investment in terms of printing etc. They could make an online downloadable version that you get after payment. Gives them income, gives us the PS archive.
Make it $1 per issue, that will make people think twice about giving it away on torrent sites. Still well worth owning this collection I think.