Pre 64 extractor fitting



I installed a new extractor in a Dokota 76 I rebarreled. I got it to chamber a round,but it will not go over a round in the chamber. It is a 300 Win. mag.
Does anyone have, or know of of any info on fitting one.
Thanks Glenn
They are made to slide up under the extractor as they come out of the magazine but they should still slide over the chambered case. Take a dremel tool and polish the front of the extractor. you might even have to grind back the inside edge to get it to work. Put the case in the bolt face, under the extractor and see what jumps out at you.

What the others said and ------

Check it against the old one to see if its the same. You might have an '06 extractor. Still, grinding should fix it.
Just for grins and not wasting a high dollar part, you can do a trial and error fit using a Springfield extractor, yes I know they are shorter and they are for the 30-06 case head. But you will be grinding it any way. If you mess up, it's not hard to get more.