Powder scales



I'm considering a new powder scale for use with my new Harrell measure. I'm currently using a Dillion and find it to be very accurate. Searching the Net, I have seen several other measures that appear to be more to my liking. I'm not interested in an electronic scale. Used an RCBS Chargemaster setup and was highly disappointed.

After looking at some of these, many look identical but carry different brand names. A little more research and it appears Ohaus makes many of the scales and labels them for other companies, such as Lymann and RCBS.

The RCBS 10 10 and the Ohaus 10 10 look identical.

What scales are ya'll finding very accurate, easy to trickle, read, etc.? Again I would rather stay away from electronics. I find them a little slow to catch up when using a trickler and almost always go over my charge.
I have a big preference for...

I'm considering a new powder scale for use with my new Harrell measure. I'm currently using a Dillion and find it to be very accurate.
After looking at some of these, many look identical but carry different brand names. A little more research and it appears Ohaus makes many of the scales and labels them for other companies, such as Lymann and RCBS.

The RCBS 10 10 and the Ohaus 10 10 look identical.

I have a RCBS 10-10 and have found it to be completely satisfactory. Not only is it as accurate as any I have used over the last 30 years, but it easily packs up into a small package when traveling to matches. I use a large old style RCBS 304 scale at home, but the 10-10 is just as accurate and I keep it packed up for travel.