I don't think that you have given us enough information so that we can make an informed recommendation. As you probably are aware, measures all are limited in their performance by the size of the particles of powder that are being used. Generally, the finer the particle size, the less variance in charge weight. Measures are also technique sensitive. What powders will you be measuring, and do you plan on doing all of your reloading at home, or will you be doing some at the range? As to electronic scales, there has been a recent entry into the market that I think bears looking at. The Gem Pro 250 seems to be getting good reviews, and is priced at well under $200. According to reports it seems to be able to perform at a higher level of precision than typical reloading scales. Another issue is the distance of your targets. It is common for long range shooters to weigh their charges to reduce the spread in their velocities that correspond to vertical dispersion at the target. If you give us some more information as to your plans, we can make a better recommendation.