Powder Measure Questions



I am looking at upgrading my powder measure and did a search here and i have come up with a few questions.

First I should tell you i am just getting into bench rest shooting. I am presently not competing but i am not sure if that's where i want to go with this hobby. I mainly load for a 223 and a 6.5-284 and some hunting rifles. The powders i am using is Varget, H4831SC and H4350.

My main goal here is to speed the process up without sacrificing accuracy. I was thinking the lyman 1200 dps would help me save some anguish of checking every load in my RCBS 505 scale.

Do these dispenser styles work accurately and will it save me some time?

Thanks for your help in advance

I got to tell ya the Lyman 1200 series 3 sucks! Stay away from it at all costs, get a RCBS or a Pact, but not the Lyman (Lie Man). A good friend of mine bought the Lie Man because of recomendations from this and other sites. He got the series 3, and we tested it. Long story short the way they made it (better) was by programming it to Lie to you so it could output loads faster. when you use it as a scale, the scale works and it is accurate as any of the other scales out there that you test. When you use it as a powder dispensing unit, it will output loads fast, but the computer tells the scale to lie with it's output screen and it outputs loads that don't weight what the scale is digitally showing you they weigh.

I could go into all the tests we did but I really believe I put that on this site once before, It should be in the archives here somewhere.

Byt the way, I have a Pact that I use at home and I like it, I have friends with RCBS and they like theirs.

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Thanks for the tip. Cabela's has the Lyman on sale right now and I was thinking about getting one.
But I hold off for something else.

I was also interested in buying the Lyman. Does anyone else have anything to say about this product. I would like to hear from a few people that have had the same problem before I waste any of my money.

Thanks for the tip. Cabela's has the Lyman on sale right now and I was thinking about getting one.
But I hold off for something else.


Cabelas is where my Friend bought his, on sale. He still has it and if you still want the Lie Man 1200 series 3 he will sell you his for 1/2 the current sale price, he likes it that much.

Ii know several people that have RCBS Chargemasters, and have used one myself. I was impressed, and so are they. On a tighter budget, just for fun. I have figured out how to dump powder directly from the measure into my scale pan, while it is on the scale, without any powder bouncing out. This speeds things up considerably. Imagine this (not my video) with the powder dropping directly into the scale pan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCs0Y7HH2zA I can do a finished charge pretty quickly.
just one question as I'm an interested bystander with a few dollars in his pocket. Where is each unit made?
An interesting read about electronic measures;


I did some basic research on the subject as I'm in that market right now. Heres some things I found out

* Pact makes the RCBS
* Pacts and the RCBS are made in Texas
* the Pact they tested in your link appears to be the older model, as the newer version is much faster
* the RCBS has the data save system while the Pact does not, and they both appear to use different software (Pact prefers to calibrate to each type of powder while RCBS
does not. Advantage?)

I know the one I buy will have made in USA written on it for sure
Each year it seems, Dad is asked (by someone) to try to collect prizes for a "series of Matches", "National Match", or "school". Each year Dad calls, mails, and e-mails huge numbers of suppliers and manufacturures trying to raise some collections to "give back" to the shooters that support their buisness'. We ask for donations with the promise of "advertising their product" to attendees weather it be new shooters at schools, or veteran shooters at the Nationals. We ask shooters to keep in mind the manufacturers and suppliers that donate when they make future purchases. We've done very well recieving and distributing these collected awards. Believe me, Dad has asked everyone, and most have donated.

With all that in mind, I own and use a number of pieces of Pact equipment because it works, it's made here in the US, and they stand by their products warranties. I sure wish they would donate when asked, because I like their product and I would promote their product when asked, but the truth is they never have donated any products for the numerous large matches, series', and schools that we have helped.

At this point I personally would suggest either the RCBS, Smart Reloader, or the Pact, take your pick.

I like the RCBS Charge Master. I have found it to be quite rapid and true. If you use the IMR stick powder buy the Sort Cut (SC) it feeds better and you get fewer over loads.
When I learn to out shoot my Harrell powder drop, I would get a Chargemaster, but I can't see that happening in the future.
I did some basic research on the subject as I'm in that market right now. Heres some things I found out

* Pact makes the RCBS
* Pacts and the RCBS are made in Texas
* the Pact they tested in your link appears to be the older model, as the newer version is much faster
* the RCBS has the data save system while the Pact does not, and they both appear to use different software (Pact prefers to calibrate to each type of powder while RCBS
does not. Advantage?)

I know the one I buy will have made in USA written on it for sure

Sorry, but you have outdated info. Pact no longer makes RCBS dispenser now known as the 1500 Chargemaster. ....they are made in the peoples republic of china. I have both an older Pact and a 3 mo.old chargemaster. Both are equally accurate, the CM being more user friendly.
Sorry, but you have outdated info. Pact no longer makes RCBS dispenser now known as the 1500 Chargemaster. ....they are made in the peoples republic of china. I have both an older Pact and a 3 mo.old chargemaster. Both are equally accurate, the CM being more user friendly.

I was just going by data I retrieved off their website yesterday. I did kinda wonder how PACT built it when they looked so much different. There two different PACT dispensers out there, and the newer one is much faster (so they say). I wonder where the Hornaday and Lyman are made?
Lastly I sent Pact an email asking them several questions about their dispenser and a chronograph upgrade path (I use an old PC2). They answered every question I had, and then told me they would give me a 30% discount on trading in my PC2 for the new XP with the inferred screens. I also found out that the PACT scale I use will work just fine with their dispenser. I call this a win win for me
When I learn to out shoot my Harrell powder drop, I would get a Chargemaster, but I can't see that happening in the future.
You got that right Bill.

When I program my Chargemaster for 29.5 clicks it says, "you want what".

I have two Chargemasters one I bought in 2005 and one in 2006 they both were made in the US by Pact.

I guess we are all going to let everything go to Communist China.

How many of you guys have written your congressman this week (or at all) about this issue? I'll bet, not a one of you!!
You got that right Bill.

When I program my Chargemaster for 29.5 clicks it says, "you want what".

I have two Chargemasters one I bought in 2005 and one in 2006 they both were made in the US by Pact.

I guess we are all going to let everything go to Communist China.

How many of you guys have written your congressman this week (or at all) about this issue? I'll bet, not a one of you!!

I have many times... You gotta remember though, I work Union Jobs and I'm from the "motor city". "Union Made" and "Made in USA" aren't just tags on clothes, It's a way of life. I won't even set foot in a Wal-mart, or Sams club. It's not just the Chinese that are taking all our jobs, It's the entire Asian Pacific Rim and Mexicans too. The problem is many of our Government Officials aren't just allowing it, they're encouraging it.

Here in Michigan, for instance a few years ago Sears and Kmart merged. Kmart (based in Troy Michigan) & Sears (Based in Chicago IL) wanted to consolidate their office space and wanted to move Sears to Troy Michigan. In order to due so would have meant building more space in Troy or Renting Unoccupied Offices. To do so, They wanted a tax break from Michigan for bringing more Jobs in... Our Hard Headed (Canadian) Governor wouldn't grant them any tax breaks so they simply took the operation to Illinois. You Should see How vacant 14 mile road looks.