Potential new world records

William Colbert

William, Let me be the first to congratulate you on you're new sporter and 3 gun meters Records.
CONGRATS William, nice job
Keith, Ray and Chris thank you for your recognition!

These records could not have been attained with out the help of many people. Not to be corny, but I would like to mention some of men that I feel took part in this effort.

Gordon Eck a craftsman and a man of great patience. Patience to have listened to all my ideas and questions without laughing at me too noticeably over the phone. The skill and finesse to have smithed both my Turbo sporter and 2500X heavy gun.

Ray Hill for supplying the best wind flags on the market. Who new a set of flags would come with hours and hours of conversations about learning to dope the wind. Four records have been set over Rays and Bobs (Wicks) flags this season - so far!

Last but not least Al Hadfield, he still has the fire in his eye and the desire to compete. The mentoring that Al has supplied will never be forgotten.

Thanks again to all and good shooting,
You and only you pulled the trigger at the right time. No other shooter at that match did what you was able to do. Matter of fact no one else has ever.

Congratulations on the fine shooting!!!!