Potential 100/200 yard VFS NBRSA record


FYI VFS score competitors. On Saturday and Sunday July 20/21 Jerry Kloeppel shot a 500-30X at the Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis (Wright City) Missouri. This is 3 X's above the current NBRSA record and the targets look very "solid" to me but I was not the scorer. The targets have started the process of validation. Jerry was using a 30 BR at 100 yards and a 6 PPC at 200 yards.

Wayne Corley
I sure hope this record holds. Jerry is ONE GREAT GUY, and would deserve to have this. I felt bad as we thought Jerry had the record in 600 yard group, and at the exact same date and time, at Piedmont the record fell, with a smaller group than jerry shot.
Nice going Jerry,

you sure must have learned a lot shooting next to me at the Super Shoot, what were you wearing to shoot so well:D

good things happen to nice guys.
Jerry Kloeppel shot a 500-30X....This is 3 X's above the current NBRSA record.

I'm surprised the record is that "low" (no disrespect at all intended to Mr. Kloeppel or Mr. Kuperman -- I'd be tickled pink to have a score like theirs). Just in the short while I've been around score shoots, I've seen several 500-30X or better targets (although they were shot at club shoots). Given what I've seen at club shoots, does anyone have any idea as to why the record is so "low"? Maybe the keeping of such records is a new undertaking?
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Mr. "Hunter"

I'm surprised the record is that "low" (no disrespect at all intended to Mr. Kloeppel or Mr. Kuperman -- I'd be tickled pink to have a score like theirs). Just in the short while I've been around score shoots, I've seen several 500-30X or better targets (although they were shot at club shoots). Given what I've seen at club shoots, does anyone have any idea as to why the record is so "low"? Maybe the keeping of such records is a new undertaking?

VFS is less than 2 years old as an officially sanctioned NBRSA course of fire. It takes a while to get the records up. I don't know how many 500 you have shot, but that is one hell of an accomplishment in itself. And to get into the 30 or 30+ realm begins to boggle the mind. Realize that there have only been 2 250-25 100 yard target sets submitted to the Records Committee in the last 24 months. And neither of those were involved in a 100-200 aggregate record submission.

I think those "higher" x count club matches should be considering registering their matches. They have some shooters who are not being recognized for their skill. That is a shame.

David J. Halblom Sr.
500 ... is one hell of an accomplishment in itself.

Actually, given that: (a) "500" can be achieved with the equivalent of ten consecutive groups as large as approximately .6 MOA (assuming at least a .22 caliber); and (b) many guys shooting well-tuned BR rigs oftentimes shoot ten consecutive groups much smaller than .6 MOA, I'm surprised that scores of "500" are not fairly common. :confused:
Actually, given that: (a) "500" can be achieved with the equivalent of ten consecutive groups as large as approximately .6 MOA (assuming at least a .22 caliber); and (b) many guys shooting well-tuned BR rigs oftentimes shoot ten consecutive groups much smaller than .6 MOA, I'm surprised that scores of "500" are not fairly common. :confused:

There is a little more to score shooting than shooting 10 .6 MOA groups. I had not thought much about it, but doing that would be easier (IMO) than shooting 50 "10s". If it was that simple, you can bet it would be done much more frequently. You are welcome to come up to Gallatin and see what I'm talking about. Of course, you'd have to shoot those caliber neutral UBR targets which would be "much easier" than IBS targets ......not :)
