Posting pictures of game - yes or no

  • Thread starter Dennis Sorensen
  • Start date

Dennis Sorensen

Since the original thread got taken over by other topics I have started this thread. I am not voicing any preference.

The question . . . . . Do you think pictures of game should be posted on this website?

Let's discuss that topic if we can. I have copied and pasted Wilbur's comment below.

I don't remember....a lot these day. Better said, I don't remember much at all. Doesn't matter since we can come up with a whole new policy at any moment.

It's my belief that photos of shot up and dead animals don't fit in with the "motif" of the overall site. We should discuss this before making the decision. The range of potential photos make it impossible for any compromise. It's either on or off.

As an aside thought, I've long believed that those Saturday morning hunting shows aren't helping the pro-gun effort in the long term. Kinda like somebody said something that's the "honest to gosh truth" but really didn't need to be said. I'm perfectly capable of walking into the woods with a "505 Improved Kubla Khan Nitro Express" and blowing a whitetail's brains out as he forages for acorns. Further, I have pictures to support that capability. But...I don't want it on TV for the mothers of future gun owners to see and perhaps develop an adverse training program.

OOPS! Got off on a rant there....sorry.

Say what you want to say about this (as if you would hold back :)) and we'll decide what to do.

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Ok...I'll post my response here too..

It's your website...censor it if you want to...but that's what it is. I for one am not for censoring to appease what is the minority among gun owners. The majority of gun owners know the reality of killing something and are not offended by it. This is a BR forum and as long as the primary focus is just that, I can't see a problem with some other gun related topics that may include pictures. It's reality. God (and maybe a few PC people) forbid we have any clue about that. Oh yea. We don't have to look at any post or pic that we don't want to. Just go to the next thread or subject. It's that simple. As long as it's my choice to read or view what I choose, I'll never complain about what is posted here. ---JMHO though--Mike Ezell
Shortend version of previous post

Wilbur it's your site. I support whichever decision you make. I go to/prefer seperate sites for hunting. Roger T
No Big Deal

I don't see a problem with it but I'd suggest to create a forum called Hunting or something of that nature to add to the site and those who are interested could go to it for their hunting post. I would hope that those that posted such would use some tact and not post pictures of a ground hog that they took out with a bazooka at 20 yards. The site is centered around Benchrest, but face it a lot of bench shooters do hunt. Note I don't hunt anymore, just retired from such, but respect and fully understand the value of hunting for I live in Texas and the deer and hogs would over run us if not managed. Well the hogs are over running us anyway.

No thanks. I'd rather see pictures of paper targets that have more than one visible group of at least five shots with a measurement of the group that isn't: underestimated group outer diameter minus full diameter of the bullet. :D
I think that the name of this site is clear enough indication of what belongs here. I have hunted, and will continue to, when the opportunity arises, but like Wilbur understand that the internet is an open book to the world, and giving those who will never understand guns and hunting more material to use out of context has never seemed wise, to me. As far as that goes, I would include so called sniper sites in this as well. I know that some will say that I have succumbed to the forces of political correctness, but I view it more as looking around to see who is listening, before telling a story that I know may offend some.
Since you asked...

I'd think pictures of dead animals would be more appropriate and welcome at What do you think of posting photos of dead humans shot by snipers? I don't see a lot of difference. I'm not against using firearms for killing humans or animals but only when there's moral justification.. I rather not see the results. I saw more than enough dead humans and animals in southeast Asia 40 years ago. I haven't shot a living creature since though I practice in case it's ever necessary.

If you do post pictures of your kills, wouldn't it be more informative to show step by step pictures of how to dress out the various types of game showing how to recover the meat and hides? What's to be learned by looking at a carcass with a gun laying against it?
I am a hunter as well as a competitive shooter. I don't see a problem with the posting of harvested animals as long as they are (I know it's a subjective term) of a presentable nature. I don't think a picture of say a prarie dog with its head blown clear (notice not "clean") off with its brains splayed over its body would be presentable. But if you look at your popular hunting magazines they clean it up and show little or no blood. This is done purposely as the freedom to hunt is in danger of being revoked as well as gun ownership. The editors of these magazines don't want to "scare" the non-hunting folks into having more of a reason to push for legislation that would phase out the freedom of hunting. I say yes to presentable pictures of harvested game. Where I'm from (a small mostly rural county in east central Indiana) there are many, many hunters (men, women and children). I personally know hundreds of them. I don't know a single one that hunts an animal for nothing but the trophy head. It is nearly a subsistence hunt for game here and that is the case in the vast majority of the country. I know people that hunt and do not like to eat their game but they darned sure know someone else who does and either donate the meat to the organizations that give it to the needy or to a personal friend that does. Just my opinion.

I'm a practical kinda guy. I believe in the freedom of choice, for example, if I don't like a particular channel on television i.e; CNN, MSNBC, NBC, BET etc......., I change it. If there is a particular bill board erected on a public street and I'm opposed to the message I don't look at it. The same goes for this forum, as with any forum I have the freedom to enter or not. I stay away from the Liberal or SP cites because I don't care to read their lunacy.
If you don't want to see a picture don't look at it but don't take away my freedom to look because it offends you. There are allot of things that offend me but I don't demand they be stricken from public view. If you don't like the channel, change it. This is still America and we still have the freedom to choose.
Why not designate a separate forum just for pictures?
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Wilber this is your house and you can do what you like.
But the Title is 6 mm BENCHREST and i for one have never shot a critter off a concrete bench yet ! standing ,off a truck hood or from the ground yes !Dave :)
My Vote--Delete Them

I eat beef that I buy at the store but I don't need to see pictures of the slaughterhouse operation with all the blood and guts in full view.

I have hunted for 50+ years and shot my share of big game, small game and varmints. I've never posted any pictures of animals I've taken--they are private and were taken for me and a few other friends and relatives I'd care to share them with.

The link that was deleted on this forum that precipitated all this had pictures that were, in some cases, very bloody and the wounds were large. They made me cringe and I'm not very squeamish.

On the off chance that pictures like that might be seen by those who would use them against hunters, I don't think they should be posted here. I really don't think the forum or we who post here would suffer all that much by not seeing them.

To those who say if you don't like it don't look--that could be applied to pornography as well, but fortunately it's not. There are limits beyond which we should not go.
I think it's a Benchrest site and should stay as such. I don't get offended at some of the gory pictures as much as I wonder about the person who would post them on here.

Wilbur ...

Don't screw up a great site with pictures of dead animals. I see enough of that alongside the roadway. :)
No...and No...

This site started off as a "Benchrest" focus site. It seems it is evolving into a general gun advise site that literally hundreds of other sites can fulfill. But...this is the site that most of the real benchrest competitors post at with great advise and experience with some terrific solutions.

I say no to general hunting questions and pictures. But,'s up to Wilber as it should be.

Its a BENCHREST site.

Keep it a benchrest site big and little b.
Bottom line its still "Wilbur's site).

Pictures of dead animals would be "off topic" on these forum.

I've been killing and butchering my own critters for nearly 40 years and terminal ballistics do interest me. But when I'm on these forums I'm looking for accuracy information.

Jay, Idaho
Wilbur has already said no pictures of dead animals so why are we even having this discussion?
If you read Wilbur's post his last statement was:

"Say what you want to say about this (as if you would hold back :)) and we'll decide what to do."
I don't see a need for pictures of dead creatures on the site. As was said, it's a benchrest site. I'm sure there are hunting sites to do that on. The fellow can just email the pics to his friends, if he has any friends. I have nothing against ethical hunters and sportsmen, and I've hunted a lot in the past. Just never saw a reason to take a picture and display it on the internet.

is a personal decision. Keep the results of the chase to yourself or your immediate circle of friends. I agree, this is a benchrest and general shooting site, not a hunting forum. Tks --Greg