Postal Matches going forward.



How many of the Registered clubs will continue with postal matches?
Seems as though the quailification brought out a lot of shooters some from other games.
It would be a shame to loose the momentum.
We will continue with Postal matches at our range here in Salem, NY, but at this point there are only 2 of us shooting. I would hope that at some point Airgun Benchrest will evolve into something similar to the Rimfire BR organizations and draw more traveling shooters.
Todd Banks
Postal matches

I spoke with Chis today and it seems that there are plans in the works to conduct postal matches. I was foturnate enough to shoot BR50 and BRV for a couple of seasons where the air rifles had a parallel placement, so that one lone airgunner could travel and compete at rimfire matches. I made every match within a 5 hour drive at enormous cost to the management. The placement was based on airgun score and how you would have placed if you had fired a rimfire. I even traveled to the US Nationals in 95.

The only airgun to airgun was postal in nature and reported in a news letter by Larry Brown. Larry did more for airgun bench rest than anyone I know.

We are three or four bench rest guys in Houston and have even had some fun shooting a 349.00 rifle the Hammerli Pnuema. Made by Hatsan

Ideal conditions and in the sweet spot I have groups as good as my best rifles.


I hope we keep the shooting going . I wood like to see Sporter, Springer and Unlimited get going to .
WRABF plan to hold World Air Rifle Postal Matches each year also but not in a World Champioship Year. So maybe start thinking about qualifying matches for next years World Postal. Similar to the World Championships u can have 3 teams of 3, you can click on the world air postal tab on the WRABF web site to see the rules and results of last year.
I thought we were talking about USAirrifle Benchrest as we are trying to get this organization off the ground because of the defunked AGBR
Oh i see that is different, i thought you were talking about the wrabf world postal that i mentioned. It looks like air rilfe is going to take off with all this renewed interest, it's certainly also a cheaper option for some with the cost of rimfires and ammo etc.