Possible UNL5-100 Agg Record at Minnetonka

Jerry W

Jerry Wick
Felt I needed to share, I just got word from a shooting buddy, Dean Ekstrom, that Jerry Lahr shot a possible new world record Unlimited, 5 shot, 100 yard aggregate at Minnetonka this weekend.

The current record is 0.1283 and Jerry shot 0.1130.


Click for full-size photo of the targets:
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Fine Shooting!!!

I believe the agg was .1130 and would be the smallest 5 shot 100yd. agg ever shot in any class. I had the bench next door and was privileged to be there when he shot it. He was shooting his own bullets and 133. He also said something about tight underwear on his last group. Stellar Shooting Congatulations Jerry!!!!!
Way to go Jerry. Are those the pre-shot targets they had on sale at Wal-Mart? Hopefully the measurement will stand. :eek: Just think what would of happend if you had not had that flyer on your biggest group of .137
