Portland 600 Results



Thanks to everyone that braved the cold and came out and shot today. Another big thanks goes out to the Portland area Sportsman’s Warehouse. We appreciate there support for our matches and the shooting sports!

The conditions were tough with very gust winds, very unusual for our range. :confused:

Thanks again and here are some of the results:
Light gun
Small Agg
1 4.335 Kevin Watson
2 4.439 Gary Nobel
3 4.644 Al Matson
1 129 Kevin Watson
2 128 Gary Nobel
3 123 Al Matson
Small Group
1 2.428 Al Matson
2 2.440 Kevin Watson
3 3.455 Billy Copelin

Small Agg
1 8.839333333 Al Matson
2 12.045 Caleb Hannu
3 18.044 Carl Hansen
1 241 Al Matson
2 224 Caleb Hannu
3 166 Carl Hansen
Small Group
1 4.616 Al Matson
2 4.771 Carl Hansen
3 9.447 Caleb Hannu


1 364 All Matson
2 323 Caleb Hannu
3 268 Carl Hansen
1 6.745 All Matson
2 11.095 Caleb Hannu
3 14.13 Carl Hansen

I have attached the full list. ARRG, PM me and I will email you the full results if you want them.

Thanks again guys, and we are planning another on March 21st.

Peter, George, and I

Thats a pretty good list of shooters you are shooting with up there and to do that good is impressive.
Were you shooting the 300 wsm?

No, it's not finished yet. I shot both light and heavy with my 6X47 and it was so bloody cold that I never had to cool it. I fired over 80rds.


It was a very light turnout..... in fact the Heavy and Combined were rigged, there were only three of us shooting Heavy ;) We had 7 on the line for Light.

The wind though was "weird", I'm a cubby at this and for me 10" of wind induced vertical between subsequent sighters was a real eye opener. And my groups were barely connected to my sighter targets. I got lucky on one of my heavy targets and got a condition to hold through break AND was able to see my bullet holes in the white. When I kicked one out of the blue circle I was able to see it and hold off.........I held an inch off paper for two shots, split the difference on three. I held 4" low on one. The one that kicked out happened when I was already holding over halfway to the edge, I went an inch off the paper with my crosshairs and kept the next ones in the blue. I had about a foot dialed on.

This was a great match for me though, mentally exhausting. I shot it hard, one of my groups took 7 minutes and another one finished at nine minutes and 40+ seconds although I started firing several minutes in. I had a wind probe out and when it blew over it was kind of a relief! I learned more in this one match than in the three prior on this range. It is my hope that we can keep it going.

HUGE thanks to George, Cody and Peter for taking the time, it was freaking COLD and DARK at 0600 when Cody began his morning. Also I appreciate the shooters who continue to come and give us beginners something to shoot against....... I hope someday to be able to travel further.

We hooked another shooter today. My bro-in-law had the time of his life.

Gary and Kevin trounced me fairly severely.

Sorry to go on like this but this was a pivotal match for me, I'm still pretty jazzed.

thanxagain all

A quick question about scoring.

I shot a 6.78" Heavy group with 2-7's and 2-6's, my score was 18. (the other 6 shots were up in the left corner, outside but on paper.)

how does this score 18?

And do these shots outside the rings get docked for agg? I had a 4+, a 6+ and an 8+ group in Heavy and agg'd 8.8393333" for group.

It doesn't really matter as these were all in the Heavy event, I'm just curious.

I had fun

If I understand your post, it looks like targets were incorrectly added,
Score 26 and group agg 6+.


As Chisolm stated it was just a math error on the score and they happen.If nobody is shooting real good targets like in your real windy conditions everybody just wants to get home.
At a big match you get your targets on the third day and you have about an hour to check them over.A caliper and a calculator or a must have for your range box.
If you spot an error Good or Bad that will change your position you need to show it to the people in charge so they don't have to tally everything up twice.If there doing this free hand and you wait they will kick your butt.

On the agg it looks like they didn't divide by 3 correctly after they totaled up all of your groups.
Any shot off the paper is a 6 inch penalty so make sure you have 30 clearly visible hits.Alot of times a shooter will see the 4.785 group marked on the target and think it is there official group but if one or two shots missed completely this means it was really a 10.785 or 16.785 group.At Sacramento we would put it down like this 4.785 + 6 = 10.785 and if the guy in the pits knew it was wide right and high we put a arrow on the target indicating that if possible.

A number of years back Rick Beginski shot a record group but it was just off the edge of the paper due to the winds.It scored a zero with either 50 or 100 inches of penalties as I don't remember if it was light or heavygun.That is a big ouch.
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I will have to take the HEAT for the score. It was so bloody cold in that concrete cave, I did not stop shaking and warm up until this morning.
All of you[3] were shooting shotgun groups.
Hopefully this will be the last shoot like this.
I am curious as to whether under the present NBRSA 600& 1000 yd group scoring rules include the measuring of shots outside of the scoring rings but are still on the target??
Carl Hansen

I am sure Don will post a response to your question but if you look at the new 600 yard targets nothing below the solid blue horizontal line counts for group or score.
Congrats on your shooting!
shots on paper are measured as group
1000yd target = 40 tall x 42 wide
600yd target = 17.5 x 17.5 scoring area -below line as not on paper
karl :mad:
In reveiwing the previous information I would conclude that there is no penalty for shots out of the scoring zone for group measuement if they are on the target. There is a 10 pt penalty per shot outside of the scoring rings. This clarification does not make me a winner but it sure helps my EGO.
"There is a 10 pt penalty per shot outside of the scoring rings."


hmmmm, is this true Carl? I don't see that clarification here, it goes back to my original question, DO WE get docked for shooting outside the scoring rings??

MAN, I'm NEVER gonna' shoot outside those rings again!! :mad:



A minute and a half from a zero'd sighter and my group formed in the upper left corner........

So, I've got to shoot next to you, just off your sta'board bow now for what, three shoots??? If I'm curious if I should be shooting I just look over my shoulder at Carl....... Saturday EVERY TIME I looked over there Carl was just looking downrange with his bolt open!


I will have to take the HEAT for the score. It was so bloody cold in that concrete cave, I did not stop shaking and warm up until this morning.
All of you[3] were shooting shotgun groups.
Hopefully this will be the last shoot like this.

Yeahhhh, I was wishing I'da brought my turkey choke :rolleyes:

No Carl. The only penalty for score shots off target is you get no score.
All shots ON the target are measured for group and shots off are penalized 6" at 600 Yards. Don

"There is a 10 pt penalty per shot outside of the scoring rings."
MAN, I'm NEVER gonna' shoot outside those rings again!! :mad:

If you shoot outside of the rings you get ZERO points so it can be thought of as a 10 point penalty.
Are you sure your Never gonna shoot outside those rings again?
We have several 1,000 matches a year in the wind and just getting on the paper for all 10 shots means you'll finish very well.
Carl, it gets worse...... :)

My buddy was just over here and we opened up my stack of targets.......... I've got one of yours! Have you got one of mine? I was bothered by these super BLACK bullet holes...... and finally looked at the name.

6 of the shots are very tight too ;)

PM me please

Al,yes I do. Its a HG target with a 69 score and a 13.0378 group with (1) out of scoring ring but it is on pap[er. Corrected it would be a 7.378 in. group. How they got mixed up is a mystery.