Polk County Gun Club, 1243 Little Mountain Road, Columbus NC 28722
2015 Winter Benchrest League:
1 match per month.
Last Sunday in the month starts at noon.
January 25, February 22, March 29, April 26
100 yards, 300 yards.
Out of the four matches, the top three scores will be entered for overall league score. This will give the shooter the opportunity to miss one match and still be part of the league.
If the shooter makes all four matches, then their top 3 scores will count.
International Benchrest Shooters Association (IBS) rules, targets, and scoring for the league. ( something new and different) (Rifles will not have to meet IBS rules, weight, etc.)
Awards will be presented at the April Match for:
1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for “score” at each yardage.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for “group” at each yardage.
And 1st 2nd, and 3rd overall aggregate score at each yardage.
Overall rifle class will include AR type, Hunting, Junior, Senior, Annie Oakley.
We will shoot a groundhog target to celebrate Feb 2nd Groundhog Day!
League participants of the Winter League will be emailed score results after each match.
Match cost will be $15 per match
Hope to see you !
2015 Winter Benchrest League:
1 match per month.
Last Sunday in the month starts at noon.
January 25, February 22, March 29, April 26
100 yards, 300 yards.
Out of the four matches, the top three scores will be entered for overall league score. This will give the shooter the opportunity to miss one match and still be part of the league.
If the shooter makes all four matches, then their top 3 scores will count.
International Benchrest Shooters Association (IBS) rules, targets, and scoring for the league. ( something new and different) (Rifles will not have to meet IBS rules, weight, etc.)
Awards will be presented at the April Match for:
1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for “score” at each yardage.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for “group” at each yardage.
And 1st 2nd, and 3rd overall aggregate score at each yardage.
Overall rifle class will include AR type, Hunting, Junior, Senior, Annie Oakley.
We will shoot a groundhog target to celebrate Feb 2nd Groundhog Day!
League participants of the Winter League will be emailed score results after each match.
Match cost will be $15 per match
Hope to see you !