But seriously do you really think anything posted here, in a gun forum, is going to change anyones mind on how they vote?
We all know we are not going to change anyone's mind. There is not a one of us who have not seen government restrictions tighten in areas that effect us most personally, as well as, in our business. The only thing we can do is to vent some.
Dennis, You may not be getting imported firearm parts from the U. S. That has a touch of politics in it.
I am endeavoring to alter a commercial building for a renter by adding a restroom for four employes of an insurance office. Along with an asbestos abatement letter from an engineering firm, a handicap accessible drinking fountain and the room to move around it, a mop sink, an engineer's certificate that our additional plumbing will not overload our sewer system which is nothing more than a 25 foot sewer line to the city's main for this addition alone. This is due to laws passed at the state level due to interpretation of federal regulations. We are talking about several thousands of dollars and the employes of the insurance company will lose their break room with a refrigerator where they have kept their cold water bottles. "I am from the government and I am here to help you."
We have candidates today running for high office who appear to be buying the votes of the less well off (because there are more of them) by promising to give them tax breaks by raising the taxes of the more well off (they have fewer votes).
I know that what I say will not change the minds of those who are not in favor of my candidate but it might cause some slight softening of hard line thinking.
Wilbur, Dennis and me and other moderators can keep the discussion civil by quickly deleting any inappropriate or uncivil language or personal attacks. We will know it when we see it.
Who knows, we might as well have accurate and civil political discussions from time to time. If we can get some of these things off our chest, we might shoot even better.
Concho Bill