

Rusty Carr

II realize we are sstaying away from politics, but since this is a website dedicated to guns, would it be possible to point out the record of any of the candidates public records, without comment, as to their stance on gkun control and the 2nd amendment. After all, the NRA does it. If it is not all right, would you do me the courtesy of letting me know why, via PM, rather than just have it dissapear. Thank you, Rusty Carr
I read my 2008 edition of the American Rifleman and in it is a 10 point plan to "change" the second amendment. Which of the two candidates is promising "change"?
Wilbur said no politics in the forum ... it isn't that hard to understand. You are free to PM each other all you want...

There is no way any thread that starts out naming any candidate and their record isn't political.

But seriously do you really think anything posted here, in a gun forum, is going to change anyones mind on how they vote?
But seriously do you really think anything posted here, in a gun forum, is going to change anyones mind on how they vote?

We all know we are not going to change anyone's mind. There is not a one of us who have not seen government restrictions tighten in areas that effect us most personally, as well as, in our business. The only thing we can do is to vent some.

Dennis, You may not be getting imported firearm parts from the U. S. That has a touch of politics in it.

I am endeavoring to alter a commercial building for a renter by adding a restroom for four employes of an insurance office. Along with an asbestos abatement letter from an engineering firm, a handicap accessible drinking fountain and the room to move around it, a mop sink, an engineer's certificate that our additional plumbing will not overload our sewer system which is nothing more than a 25 foot sewer line to the city's main for this addition alone. This is due to laws passed at the state level due to interpretation of federal regulations. We are talking about several thousands of dollars and the employes of the insurance company will lose their break room with a refrigerator where they have kept their cold water bottles. "I am from the government and I am here to help you."

We have candidates today running for high office who appear to be buying the votes of the less well off (because there are more of them) by promising to give them tax breaks by raising the taxes of the more well off (they have fewer votes).

I know that what I say will not change the minds of those who are not in favor of my candidate but it might cause some slight softening of hard line thinking.

Wilbur, Dennis and me and other moderators can keep the discussion civil by quickly deleting any inappropriate or uncivil language or personal attacks. We will know it when we see it.

Who knows, we might as well have accurate and civil political discussions from time to time. If we can get some of these things off our chest, we might shoot even better.:)

Concho Bill
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Wilbur, Dennis and me and other moderators can keep the discussion civil by quickly deleting any inappropriate or uncivil language or personal attacks. We will know it when we see it.

Who knows, we might as well have accurate and civil political discussions from time to time. If we can get some of these things off our chest, we might shoot even better.:)

Concho Bill

Yeah right. Want to buy some Arizona beach front property? You are not going to start criticizing someone's candidate or political party on this site without causing hard feelings. Rarely has there been a civil post on politics on this site and never has there been a civil thread.

There are many sites that are appropriate for those discussions and many of them have been posted here with links.

The same people keep trying to start threads to make their political points and sway the opinions of others here. These same people blame the rancor that is caused on those that hold the opposite political view. Most of these people are good people in general but have a need to convince others that they are right.

I fall into the category of one who tries to convince others of the correctness of my point of view. I do however recognize this tendency in myself, unlike many on this site that just won't leave politics out of this fine discussion forum.

Please don't think we can nibble at the edges without causing harm. The site has been back to the way I found it in recent days. I have enjoyed not seeing the divisive threads. Thank you for reading my opinion on the matter.

God Bless
Wilbur said no politics in the forum ... it isn't that hard to understand. You are free to PM each other all you want...

There is no way any thread that starts out naming any candidate and their record isn't political.

But seriously do you really think anything posted here, in a gun forum, is going to change anyones mind on how they vote?

No names or political parties are mentioned in either post 1 or 2 which is what you told me to stay away from in a previous thread/post. I don't recognise any type of provocation so I don't understand your position. Granted Politics is a no-no and there are no "buts" however, sharing information as it pertains directly to the intent of this forum which, I think is to promote BR by sharing information is a good thing. Facts are facts stick to them, remain focused on the original post and only the original post. Not a difficult concept.
No disrespect intended
I saw this too....

I read my 2008 edition of the American Rifleman and in it is a 10 point plan to "change" the second amendment. Which of the two candidates is promising "change"?

...the VP pick is scary as well. The voting records are there for everyone to see.

Rusty, I understand your desire to talk about it....PM on the way as to why I think we should wait until Wilbur gives us the green light. Until then, I think Dennis, Ray & Bill are correct.

I do miss discussing some current topics going on with many of you.

I'm sorry guys, I really miss the chance to engage in a "spirited" discussion about politics. I used to read the centerfire forum, when I shot centerfire B/R and after I quit shooting, when I was match director for the Shamrock. That foroum no longer interests me, nor does Kathy rambling incessantly about whatever it is he does, nor does the subject of bullet jackets. I know that there are some who enjoy these subjects, and I would not take them away at all. As for myself, however, as I seid, they hold no interest, and since Wilbur, who I like and respect, doesn't politics on here, that leaves me with no reason to spend lots of time here. I will still browse occasionally and see if he has changed his mind. Thanks guys, Rusty
I'm sorry too Rusty...

...the only way things can stay 'spirited' and not turn ugly on every thread is some sort of punishment to keep the trolls in check by banning their involvement. I'm not sure Wilbur wants to mess with that & I'm still waiting to see what he decides as well.

Every other shooting forum that allows politics & religious issues has these banning threats in place & enforces them big time to make sure the same few do not stir the pot for the sake of making a stink.

Deleting posts w/ no punishment will not make anyone mind their manners.

I miss your input on the happenings of the world....we'll see.


No names or political parties are mentioned in either post 1 or 2 which is what you told me to stay away from in a previous thread/post. I don't recognise any type of provocation so I don't understand your position. Granted Politics is a no-no and there are no "buts" however, sharing information as it pertains directly to the intent of this forum which, I think is to promote BR by sharing information is a good thing. Facts are facts stick to them, remain focused on the original post and only the original post. Not a difficult concept.
No disrespect intended


My response was not so much what was within the thread but to the one word title of the thread - Politics????

I should have included that in my response I guess...

Politics???? Wilbur said no politics in the forum ... it isn't that hard to understand. You are free to PM each other all you want...

There is no way any thread that starts out naming any candidate and their record isn't political.

But seriously do you really think anything posted here, in a gun forum, is going to change anyones mind on how they vote?


My response was not so much what was within the thread but to the one word title of the thread - Politics????

I should have included that in my response I guess...

Politics???? Wilbur said no politics in the forum ... it isn't that hard to understand. You are free to PM each other all you want...

There is no way any thread that starts out naming any candidate and their record isn't political.

But seriously do you really think anything posted here, in a gun forum, is going to change anyone's mind on how they vote?


"Politics" bad title, agreed! One can deduce from the context of Rusty's thread who he's is talking about but he didn't name anyone or any political party.

No, I don't believe anything posted here is going to change anyone's mind and who would want to anyway. Its gotten so bad we can't even exchange facts with out someone chiming in and distorting them.
A sad state of affairs!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry if I've offended anyone
Did I get this right ??? no POLITICS any more?? I haven't been on the board for a while, do to some health problems .

sign up for the new opt in forum....check Wilbur's sticky.


Politics is often an avoided subject because most of us have slightly different values, and confrontations can be unpleasant. Almost everyone has learned at least something about our political candidates. However, the avoidance of politics is not a good thing. Just look at what happened to the gun laws in Canada, England and Australia when people decided to stop learning about politics. I get calls from customers in those countries that warn us how quickly (and permanently) things can CHANGE for the worse when politics are ignored.

I recently met several young shooters that didn't have a clue which presidential candidate is anxious to eliminate the private ownership of guns. Do I think anyone on this forum will change their mind on a political candidate? YES ..... if the facts are in front of their nose ...... otherwise NO. Tell us what it's like to buy a handgun in Canada.

- Innovative
sign up for the new opt in forum....check Wilbur's sticky.



The same go for you. We are having a blast discussing politics. Almost no one gets mad and we are finding out a lot about the candidates. Some of it is even true.

Concho Bill

Tell us what it's like to buy a handgun in Canada.

You must first have a Possession and Acquisition Licence obtained by taking a course and passing a federal exam. Once you have passed this first exam, you can take another exam for restricted firearms. If you pass that you will receive the POL for non restricted long guns and for restricted hand guns.

With this in hand you can go to a licensed business and buy a handgun. Depending on how busy it is, you can have the paperwork to take the handgun home as quickly as an hour... sometimes not for a day or two...

Restricted firearms as handguns are, require permits to transport them to and from licensed ranges where they can be shot... they must be transported unloaded with a trigger lock installed and in a locked container in the trunk of your car. Storage is basically the same way - unloaded with a trigger lock installed and in a locked container. That's what the legal owners do.

The criminals do not require any licensing nor do they keep them unloaded. They do what they want, when they want.

Why? Because of politics - which is discussed on a different forum according to the rules...
Dennis ..........

I knew that you would know the whole story and be able to explain it well.

Bill .........

Where is this new "opt in" political forum you're referring to?