Please Lay Down Your Swords!


What have we become? In reading the outpouring of pure venom by many on this forum, I ask why? Where does this get all of us? Igniting another BR civil war amongst long-time friends? Big picture… no one wins…

Additionally and most troubling, much of what has been recently posted by few is really not factual at all, causing even more negative fervor amongst the participating members of the forum.

Did you ever think of the negative impact the needless terse and combative posts placed on this forum looks to the potential new BR shooters, whom are now turned-off from this great sport we all love so very much? Go try and get them back. Pretty hard to make a second good impression.... More shooters lost to other shooting disciplines…

Remember when, at a minimum, logging on to BR Central to try and learn something helpful or seeing how everyone is shooting? I do…

At one point, not very long ago, we were all friends or at least friendly and… polite to one another? We all just wanted to shoot little groups, improve our skills, try to win an agg or 2-gun and… have some fun? Remember? I do…

I have recently spoken to our very good friends, Sid Goodling and Allie Euber. I cannot find the words or.. the right prayers I’m missing to bring them a little comfort or… hope. Everyone knows their recent 24/7 cancer battles they and their families each face.
Please... call them both when you have a free moment.

In speaking Tuesday with Allie, it was apparent he could care less about who will be our next NBRSA President, and really all the many small issues not worth drawing blood over…

What would our friend Allie give to have just one more chance to use his and Lee’s custom blend "N133/8208/T-32/4198" powder concoction to try and win just one more aggregate. What would Allie and Sid say about our full-blown fighting on this forum? Can you think of one examples where any issue large or small was resolved by those whom want to huff an puff towards a issue resolution. I have not?

Okay… Where do we go from here?

I see two distinct camps on this forum. One camp who loves the sport and also the NBRSA, whom maybe upset about various issues, whom really want the just facts surrounding the issues, so they may move forward and focus on attending matches. I am committed to helping these members to restore their trust in our leadership. I personally seek to implement new bi-law processes to ensure festering membership issues can and will be addressed before spiraling to a point of no return… I am here to serve any and all members, within my role an NBRSA Director.

Unfortunately there are also a few whom have their own hidden agendas, where their ultimate goal is the total and complete demise of the NBRSA. I’m sorry. Please take your soapbox of hatred elsewhere.

In closing, would ask everyone to please work closer with your regional director on addressing your concerns and also… provide a plausible solution to your issue as well.

I freely admit, I do not have all the answers, but I will do my very best to work with you to where we can try and find common ground on solutions that make sense for the general good of all parties with the NBRSA.

Please call me if I can answer your questions with the goal of moving our NBRSA organization forward.

Jack Neary

NBRSA Eastern Region, Director
Cell: 440-590-5299
I;ve followed politics very closely for about the last 40 years or so. Seems to have started with the Vietnam war...the ONLY war the US ever fought AGAINST the Marxists... Now it is the 'hate Trump ' syndrome.....but Donald J didn't o it. He just happened along and got caught up in it. (DJ did interrupt the progress of the movement)!

There is an illness, posed by many major news outlets, dividing this country....snd yes, the benchrest community is caught up in it.

EDIT. ..AS to benchrest and the NBRSA, I'm bowing out because loosing my wife of 61 years to the same...CANCER.. that is plaguing Sid and Allie.....and my failing eyesight doesn't help...Yes, Jack, we have aged.

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Seldom do we see posts that are pure venom. On the other hand, I might not rate venom the same as you....and there lies the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I second that nomination whole hardily. I can tell you with first hand information that Jack has worked overtime to fix/move forward since the RB situation came about. He has all the qualities necessary to lead our organization out of the funk we're in.

As an aside. There are shooters that are using this forum to vent their frustration. There are 3 sides to every story; it's very difficult to present your position in writing with out the option of give and take and many times info offered is taken wrong. I can see this happens all the time. Please don't use the public forum; call your Regional director and discuss over the phone or communicate in person at a match. If you must put pen to paper use EMAIL. Force your regional director to address the issues.

Gary Ocock

What have we become? In reading the outpouring of pure venom by many on this forum, I ask why? Where does this get all of us? Igniting another BR civil war amongst long-time friends? Big picture… no one wins…

Additionally and most troubling, much of what has been recently posted by few is really not factual at all, causing even more negative fervor amongst the participating members of the forum.

Did you ever think of the negative impact the needless terse and combative posts placed on this forum looks to the potential new BR shooters, whom are now turned-off from this great sport we all love so very much? Go try and get them back. Pretty hard to make a second good impression.... More shooters lost to other shooting disciplines…

Remember when, at a minimum, logging on to BR Central to try and learn something helpful or seeing how everyone is shooting? I do…

At one point, not very long ago, we were all friends or at least friendly and… polite to one another? We all just wanted to shoot little groups, improve our skills, try to win an agg or 2-gun and… have some fun? Remember? I do…

I have recently spoken to our very good friends, Sid Goodling and Allie Euber. I cannot find the words or.. the right prayers I’m missing to bring them a little comfort or… hope. Everyone knows their recent 24/7 cancer battles they and their families each face.
Please... call them both when you have a free moment.

In speaking Tuesday with Allie, it was apparent he could care less about who will be our next NBRSA President, and really all the many small issues not worth drawing blood over…

What would our friend Allie give to have just one more chance to use his and Lee’s custom blend "N133/8208/T-32/4198" powder concoction to try and win just one more aggregate. What would Allie and Sid say about our full-blown fighting on this forum? Can you think of one examples where any issue large or small was resolved by those whom want to huff an puff towards a issue resolution. I have not?

Okay… Where do we go from here?

I see two distinct camps on this forum. One camp who loves the sport and also the NBRSA, whom maybe upset about various issues, whom really want the just facts surrounding the issues, so they may move forward and focus on attending matches. I am committed to helping these members to restore their trust in our leadership. I personally seek to implement new bi-law processes to ensure festering membership issues can and will be addressed before spiraling to a point of no return… I am here to serve any and all members, within my role an NBRSA Director.

Unfortunately there are also a few whom have their own hidden agendas, where their ultimate goal is the total and complete demise of the NBRSA. I’m sorry. Please take your soapbox of hatred elsewhere.

In closing, would ask everyone to please work closer with your regional director on addressing your concerns and also… provide a plausible solution to your issue as well.

I freely admit, I do not have all the answers, but I will do my very best to work with you to where we can try and find common ground on solutions that make sense for the general good of all parties with the NBRSA.

Please call me if I can answer your questions with the goal of moving our NBRSA organization forward.

Jack Neary

NBRSA Eastern Region, Director
Cell: 440-590-5299

2 words.....

Rodney. Brown.

Hiding behind phone calls and private messages and emails won't put this cat back into the bag.

And I don't even KNOW the guy, I just watch and lissen. I got no dog in this fight except my principles...

IMO until this situation is cleared up PUBLICLY all we's on the outside can do is watch you guys bicker and dither.

AND BTW lengthy diatribes from "both sides" of this issue alluding to "if only you knew" and "inside information" absolutely DO NOT give guys like me the warm fuzzies.....

For years I was a member of both IBS and NBRSA until that fight pissed me off and I chose to support only the one that supported matches in my area...... now I've let my membership lapse for several yrs and am debating shooting upcoming sanctioned matches as a spectator, since I've voiced this opinion, several here have told me "well, we don't need guys like you anyway"

and "Just let it go...."

I'm a perty easy guy to keep happy, as long as I'm not asked to sweep stuff under the rug. And If clarity HAS BEEN achieved, IF I'VE MISSED SOMETHING.....and there have been handshakes all-round then PLEASE just tell me where to link to the appropriate discussion so I can set my mind to rest.

I'm sorry fellows, but until my principles are satisfied

I'm out.

And I need to publicly warn y'all...... this ain't my first rodeo with these "principles" of mine and public opinion...... any one of you rips me a new one "in private" I WILL copy and paste it to the forum(s)



What's happening here, some what, reminds me of a prior work place. Always some kind of storm brewing that creates a crisis management effort to fix.

what he said...
( tho i currently belong to both so i can shoot, i do not like either)

2 words.....

Rodney. Brown.

Hiding behind phone calls and private messages and emails won't put this cat back into the bag.

And I don't even KNOW the guy, I just watch and lissen. I got no dog in this fight except my principles...

IMO until this situation is cleared up PUBLICLY all we's on the outside can do is watch you guys bicker and dither.

AND BTW lengthy diatribes from "both sides" of this issue alluding to "if only you knew" and "inside information" absolutely DO NOT give guys like me the warm fuzzies.....

For years I was a member of both IBS and NBRSA until that fight pissed me off and I chose to support only the one that supported matches in my area...... now I've let my membership lapse for several yrs and am debating shooting upcoming sanctioned matches as a spectator, since I've voiced this opinion, several here have told me "well, we don't need guys like you anyway"

and "Just let it go...."

I'm a perty easy guy to keep happy, as long as I'm not asked to sweep stuff under the rug. And If clarity HAS BEEN achieved, IF I'VE MISSED SOMETHING.....and there have been handshakes all-round then PLEASE just tell me where to link to the appropriate discussion so I can set my mind to rest.

I'm sorry fellows, but until my principles are satisfied

I'm out.

And I need to publicly warn y'all...... this ain't my first rodeo with these "principles" of mine and public opinion...... any one of you rips me a new one "in private" I WILL copy and paste it to the forum(s)


Where's the defendant in this conversation? The last time I saw Rodney we had dinner at the Nationals in Holton. We sat at the end of the table and during our conversation I asked if he thought Audrey and himself could attend the World Shoot and not cause problems. He replied, yes they could. I was good with that. The last I knew at Holton he was on the team. Later I heard he was invited to speak by a written letter before the board at the NBRSA Nationals in St Louis. He was registered and did not show. WTF kind of a deal is that? Why not show up, plead your case, and clear the air, instead of stirring the pot???
Move on, let's shoot.
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