Pistol/Rifle Reloading Calculator



Hello Everyone,

I put a Pistol/Rifle Reloading Calculator together on EGC.

I have it set up where you need to know how many grains and rounds your anticipating to run. The calculator will also tell you if you need more of something, usually the Powder is what is most helpful in knowing.

Example. I have .5 lbs of powder and I use 18 grains of powder and want to make 55o rounds. I am roughly 1 lb short in powder.

Well check it out and let me know what you think,


Bob's comment mirrors mine.

Most people only know how much powder they have in a cannister when they first open it, and it's more trouble to find a clean container to dump the powder into to weigh and back into the cannister or measure. This calculator might have been valuable before pocket calculators became so common and cheap, but now it's grab the $4 calculator and crank out the answer in 10 seconds. Yes I'm as slow with a calculator as with everything else....