Pinning Recoil Lugs




When pinning a recoil lug, what pins are commonly used.

Best I can tell from picks is that they are solid type 1/16" dowel pins.

Also what length is commonly used.

Thanks Guys
Nesika actions started out using .0625 pins. A few sheared which I think resulted in the black cloud over this practice. They've long since switched to .0938 x .500 long pins which work very well when used in pairs. Divide the action's receiver ring into 3rds and drill the holes in the 5 and 7 clock position. I do this as a std practice to all non pinned actions and its netted good results

Good luck.

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If you have a solid bottom action, why not leave the recoil lug out and put a centeralized recoil block under the action? That way you don't have to worry about the lug position when you install a bbl.

I did that on my RPA Quadlite action and would never used a sandwhich lug again.

Just cut a slot in the action face 3/32" is good then mark and drill the recoil lug and press fit the pin in the recoil lug. Jon
Are there any drawbacks to putting the pin in the lug that fits into a slot in the action as Jon describes? Seems to enable a stronger lockup. Ideas?
Other than it being a bit more work to do, no.

Drilling four holes is pretty easy to do and it works. It's only purpose is to hold position while barrel is being snugged up so that it doesn't gall up the bedding during assembly.

As a std practice, I torque all 1-1/16th OD barrel tennons to 125lbs. I've used the full gamut of thread lubes over the years and I've sheered a pin only one time. (that was a single pin, 0625" action btw)

Good luck.
One advantage of two well fitted pins is that when changing barrels the fit of the lug to the barrel and bedding shouldn't change.

With a single pin in a slot there is the chance that the lug could rotate slightly by however much play there is between the barrel and the lug ID and the pin and the slot if not fit tightly.

Would this slight bit of rotation cause problems...depends on finish of the mating surfaces and the extra room left at the sides of the lug during bedding. Also whether or not that extra room to the side is flat and smooth so that the edge of the lug which might be in a slightly new position is now up on a slight radius keeping the lug from having its original 100% bearing area.

I use a 3/32 x 7/16" grade 8 made in USA dowell pin. They sell for about $3 or 4 per hundred. I haven't had one of them shear, but have had pins shear that came with some of the recoil lugs.
Once the lug is located and pinned I place a very small amount of 120 grit abrasive between the lug and the action and on tightening the barrel this prevents shearing the pin... it locks the two surfaces together quite well.