Piney Hill Virginia State Unlimited Meters results



Congradulations Steve Bradley

Steve, very nice shooting (750-52x). I stopped by to see what a rimefire match was like, I showed up with no gun or ammo, Steve steered me towards some guys with some ammo for me, then asks me if I would like to shoot his spare gun:cool:!! Steve helped me with what I needed to know about shooting a rimefire match and I hope he tells me more! Next Steve told me his ammo would work better than what I bought::D tried to pay for it, no way he says! Asked me if I was coming back the next day, I said sure if you would allow me to use your rifle again, no problem he say's! Not many sports have guys at the top of the list willing to HELP out a complete newbie (''Dale Jr. can I borrow your car for the next race?'' Sure, yeah right) Thinking about it a little more, I think that he was just trying to get me hooked? Job well done. I'm hooked on rimefire!! Mr. Bradley you are what every sport needs a TRUE GENTLEMAN!!! All Best dogdude