Piney Hill IR50 results 3/12/11


bob finger

Piney Hill Results March 12, 2011

We had about 25 shooters (I did not write down the total, sorry) for our regularly scheduled event yesterday. Results are:

Sporter yards:
1st Ken Camper 250-13x
2nd Tony Blosser 249-19X
3rd Wendell Dean 248-16X

10.5 yards
3 250's recorded
1st Ken Camper 250-21X
2nd Wendell Dean 250-20X
3rd Michael Poole 250-15X

13.5 yards
7 250's recorded
1st Ken Camper 250-22X
2nd Dennis Drake 250-20X
3rd Wendell Dean 250-20X

Take note that Ken Camper posted a 750-56X for the three gun

UL-1 yards
9 250's recorded
1st Wendell Dean 250-24X
2nd Ken Camper 250-21X
3rd Dennis Drake 250-21X

UL-2 Yards
7 250's recorded
1st Ken Camper 250-22X
2nd Perry Frideley 250-21X
3rd Sam Saunders 250-20X

UL-3 Yards
7 250's recorded
1st John Brown 250-22X
2nd Wendell Dean 250-21X
3rd Ken Camper 250-20X

Take note all. Ken Camper did it again in the afternoon with a 750-63X and a day long awesome total of 1500-119X. And for those of you wondering, his rifles are all 12 o-clock pins. bob
That is the most impressive set of scores I have every seen!!
PLEASE COME TO THE CRAWFISH & Give me some instructions!!
Well Done, :D
Congratulations Ken! Like we talked about the other day, it takes some big numbers to win these days. Looks like you put 'em up! Good shooting! Well done.